


  • UM有北美最頂級的野生動物學系。(Academic Analytics) 
  • 我們的商學院被評選為「大天空聯盟中最好的」。(U.S. News &World Report 2019) 
  • 我們的新聞學院在全美排名第8,培養出許多得過大獎的廣播、平面媒體和多媒體的記者,他們畢業後便就職於一些世界最大的新聞機構。(RDTNA) 
  • 本校的創意寫作/美術碩士是全美此領域中,最具聲望的學校之一。 
  • UM的會計碩士在全美排名前20。(Public Accounting Report) 
  • UM生物學系學士畢業生,後續攻讀醫學院之錄取率是全美平均錄取率的兩倍。 
  • UM的生態學研究在全美排名前五。(Ecosphere) 
  • 於2010年建成的佩恩家族印第安人中心(Payne Family Native American Center)是美國第一個印地安人中心,其專門為人文科學學院的印第安人研究學系、美國印第安學生服務辦公室和相關領域而建。 
  • 蒙大拿大學公共行政與政策學系是蒙大拿州第一個公共行政領域科系,與Alexander Blewitt III法學院的Max S. Baucus研究院共建於同一地點。 


Why UM

The University of Montana is the top-ranked university in the state. With more than 1,500 world-class faculty, you will have transformational learning opportunities as a part of your daily schedule. Our faculty teach, mentor and coach, providing you with more than just a four-year experience, but an education for a lifetime.

The experts agree:

  • UM has the top wildlife biology program in north America; (Academic Analytics) 
  • Our business school is “Best in the Big Sky” (U.S. News &World Report 2019) 
  • Our School of Journalism, ranked 8th in the nation, has produced many award-winning broadcast, print and multi-media reporters who have been placed in some of the largest news organizations in the world. 
  • The Creative Writing /Master of Fine Arts program is one of the oldest and most prestigious in the country. 
  • UM’s Accounting M.A. program ranked in the top twenty in the U.S. (Public Accounting Report) 
  • Biology undergrads accepted into medical school at twice the U.S. national average 
  • Ecology research at UM ranks in top 5 in the U.S. (Ecosphere) 
  • The Payne Family Native American Center (completed in 2010) is the first center of its kind in the nation, built expressly to house the H&S Native American Studies Department, American Indian Student Services offices, and related campus programming. 
  • The University of Montana’s Department of Public Administration and Policy is the first of its kind in Montana, co-located with the Alexander Blewitt III School of Law’s Max S. Baucus Institute. 

At the University of Montana, students develop the skills they need to thrive in a world full of obstacles and a future full of unknowns. Here, it’s a whole new universe of learning, where students from every walk of life have access to a world-class education; where the institution, the people and the place all embody the bold, undauntable spirit of an explorer.