ODE Testing Center policies

Testing Policies

Academic Dishonesty: Any student observed using unauthorized materials or resources during an exam will be reported to the instructor. The Office for Disability Equity (ODE) Testing Center has the right to stop an exam if academic dishonesty is witnessed. Academic misconduct is subject to an academic penalty by the instructor and/or a disciplinary sanction by the University of Montana's Student Conduct Code.  

Instructor's Exam Instructions: The testing center adheres strictly to the instructor's testing instructions. Changes to a test modification must be approved in writing by the instructor, even when the modification is as simple as a time change. 

Exam Starting Time: The testing center administers exams promptly at the identified time. No additional study time is allowed. No additional time is added for students' late arrival.  

Student's Late Arrival: If a student is up to 15 minutes late for a scheduled exam, the testing center will subtract the time missed from the total time allowed for the exam. If a student is more than 15 minutes late, we will determine that the student is a “No Show,” and the test will be returned to the instructor. The student must work with the instructor to complete a new test modification form to reschedule the test.

Test Security: The testing center strictly protects the security and integrity of exams on behalf of the University of Montana instructors.

No cell phones, food, or beverages in testing facilities: We are committed to ensuring an appropriate testing environment for all students who use its testing facilities. Odors and sounds from food and beverages can be distracting to others. Thus, the testing facilities do not allow food or beverages except water.  

Returning Exams Procedures and Timelines

The ODE Testing Center returns exams following these procedures and timelines. Our student employees’ schedules, testing schedules, and the office hours of the various departments may impact delivery time.

  • We scan and email completed exams to the instructor.   
  • The instructor can pick up administered exams at the testing Center during business hours: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. 
  • We deliver exams to the instructor on the Mountain Campus within 24 hours after the exam was administered. Exam delivery occurs twice daily: 1 mid-morning and 1 afternoon.
  • The student, who took the exam, returns their exam in a sealed envelope.