Gender Inclusive Community

Community Description

The Gender Inclusive Community is a mixed gender housing option designed to better support the safety, security, and community needs of all students. This option allows residents to choose to live in a community that is supportive of all students, including those who may identify as transgender or genderqueer, are more comfortable living with someone of a different sex or gender, do not prescribe to normative gender classifications, or allies. This floor will offer an environment that acknowledges the importance of identity and allows students to live on a floor where room placement and roommate assignments are made regardless of sex or gender identity/expression. The communal bathroom and shower room with individual stalls will be used by all residents of the floor regardless of sex or gender. Students must opt in to this community, and those who are placed here must agree to support a safe, welcoming, and inclusive environment for all students, regardless of sexuality, gender identity/expression, or other identities. No student will be placed in this community unless they specifically request this housing option.  

For more information review the Gender Inclusive Housing FAQs.

Programs & Events

The Gender Inclusive Community will have an RA hosting community building events and educational programs on an array of topics. While some programs and events may directly relate to this community being gender inclusive, there will also be a wide array of programs and events aimed at the general transitional needs of college students. 

Housing Location

The Gender Inclusive Community is located on one floor in Miller Hall

How to Apply

To apply for the Gender Inclusive Community, please select this community in the online housing application. Students must opt in to this community, and those who are placed here must agree to support a safe, welcoming, and inclusive environment for all students, regardless of sexuality, gender identity/expression, or other identities. No student will be placed in this community unless they specifically request this housing option.  

To Change Application Preferences

Prior to April 1st, if a student has already applied to housing and is interested in this community, they can update their LLC preferences in their application in their myHousingPortal as long as it is before room assignments for the following fall have begun.

Room assignments for the following fall generally begin in April of the preceding spring. Once assignments begin, you are not able to update your application yourself. 

Contact for Additional Information

For additional information about the Gender Inclusive Community, please contact Michael Burk-Boggs, Assistant Director of Assignments and Occupancy.