Exhibit 1

Department Response - Sample Format

Recommendation #1
We recommend the department reconcile receipts to the accounting records.

Department Response
We concur with the recommendation. Effectively immediately, the department manager will review the current reconciliation process and implement new procedures to ensure timely reconciliation of cash receipts.

Recommendation #2
We recommend the department appropriately segregate cash collection duties.

Department Response
We concur with the recommendation. The department manager will review all applicable position descriptions and make changes where necessary by December 1.

Recommendation #3
We recommend the department implement a system to provide greater control of University property and inventory.

Department Response
We do not concur with the recommendation. We believe we have adequate controls of property and inventory. To implement greater controls would require a new inventory system and remodeling of our existing space - both of which are cost prohibitive at this time. We will continue to monitor our situation and pursue other controls when funds become available.