Postdoctoral Appointments

Postdoctoral researchers/scholars (postdocs) are individuals who have received a Ph.D. (or equivalent) doctorate.  Such individuals are housed in and contribute to several different departments and centers across campus and are part of the University of Montana for any publishing or liability purposes.

Postdoctoral Researchers

The typical postdoc appointment occurs when an individual is recruited and hired as a University employee to perform specific services. Such individuals are eligible for all applicable benefits associated with employment.  

Postdoctoral Scholars

There are occasions when a postdoc contacts a specific UM researcher/scholar and requests to be mentored and trained under his/her tutelage. Such affiliations typically involve full-time research or scholarship and are viewed as preparatory activity for a full-time academic and/or research career. Postdoctoral Scholars will received non-salary support in the form of an allowance (stipend) for living expenses, including health insurance support. As non-employees, Postdoctoral Scholars do not contribute to the benefits pool and therefore are not eligible for employee benefits (health insurance, retirement, workers’ compensation, unemployment). Postdoctoral Scholars are acting on behalf of the University and not as independent contractors. They are required to follow all University policies and procedures.

These relationships are formalized via an individualized two-year postdoctoral scholarship agreement, prepared by the UM senior research/scholar in collaboration with the postdoc.