Field Sampling and Surveys

An Ongoing Effort

Project lead: Jessica Mitchell

We partner with federal and state agencies to meet a variety of field data collection needs. 

The 2022 field season focused on mapping woodland draws in eastern Montana for the BLM, and mapping invasive plant species on the Crow Reservation for the BIA.

Examples of our past efforts include:

  • Aquatic and terrestrial rangeland monitoring using the BLM Assessment, Inventory, and Monitoring (AIM) protocol in Idaho and north-central Montana.
  • Intensive ecological condition surveys of 27 wetland sites across the state in accordance with the EPA National Wetland Condition Assessment.
  • Forest and range vegetation surveys for the USDA Forest Service's Northern Region vegetation mapping project (VMap).
  • Field-based accuracy assessment of photo-interpreted forest mapping in the Swan Valley.
  • Four years of field inventory and sampling to reinforce whitebark pine modeling efforts.

Sagebrush field samplingWhitebark field samplineField crews sample landscapes from sagebrush to whitebark pine.