Degree Options

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The graduate program in Medicinal Chemistry awards Ph.D. and M.S. degrees.

The M.S. degree requires up to two years of course work and the completion of a research thesis. The Ph.D. degree graduate program in Medicinal Chemistry typically consists of two years of course work and three to four years of full-time research leading to the completion and defense of a Ph.D. dissertation in four to five years.

Graduates are well prepared for research careers in academics, government, and industry as workers, business owners, or management.

The Ph.D. degree training is expected to be completed within five years or less and consists of:

Year 1: Core course work and laboratory training, progress/cumulative exams, general training, teaching, beginning research, and lab/professional reporting;

Year 2: Core and specialized course work in the concentration area, research, informational seminar, selection of advisory committee, out of field exam, and teaching;

Year 3: Research, reporting, publications, and regional/national presentations

Year 4: Research, reporting, publications, and dissertation defense

Year 5: research, reporting, publications, and dissertation defense

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