
Article I - Name

The official name of this organization shall be The University of Montana Criminology Club.

Article II - Purpose

The purpose of this club is to expose interested students to the diverse areas of criminology and create connections to professionals within the field. We strive to achieve excellence in our academics and careers while working to establish community relations within the criminal justice system.

Article III - Membership

Section A - Any member must be an enrolled student, affiliate/dependent of The University of Montana.

Section B - To be recognized as a full member the student must be registered for a minimum of seven credit hours during the current semester or an affiliate/dependent of a student and pay member dues of $10.00 per semester. 

Section C - Those recognized as full members will have the following rights and privileges:

· The right to run for club office governing positions

· The right to vote for club office governing members

· The right to vote for activities to be sponsored by the club

· The right to participate in all club activities that are exclusive to club members only.

· The privilege of networking with other students and faculty in order to obtain internship opportunities.

· The privilege of networking with other students and faculty in order to obtain scholarship opportunities.

· The privilege of exposure to potential employers through community involvement and internship opportunities.

Article IV - Meeting

Section A - Membership meetings will be held every other Wednesday of the month in Social Science Building Room 352 during the fall and spring semesters.

Section B - If any special meetings are needed they will be announced in all Sociology and/or Anthropology classes upon approval from each individual professor for their respective classes. Postings will also be made in the Sociology Department level of the Social Science Building and on the webpage ( as well as the Criminology Club Facebook page (

Article V - Executive Board

Section A - The Executive Board will be composed of a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Faculty Advisor.

Section B - Responsibilities of the Executive Board positions are as follows:

· President: Shall call all meetings to order; shall introduce old and new business to the members present; shall provide leadership and direction which the Club shall follow during their terms in office; shall act as spokesperson for the Club; as exiting President is responsible for electing the Vice President for the following term; shall assist all other officers in their regular duties as needed; and call any and all emergency meetings together for the Executive Board to make any emergency decisions. Emergency decisions will be decided by the majority vote of the Executive Board.

· Vice President: Shall, in all matters, assume the duties of the President in the Presidents absence; shall assist all other officers in their regular duties as needed.

· Secretary: Shall be responsible for keeping minutes and records of all Executive and general meetings; shall prepare correspondences for the Club when so directed; shall maintain and update the webpage; shall assist all other officers in their regular duties as needed.

· Treasurer: Shall be responsible for collecting dues, providing receipts and keeping records of all financial transactions; shall disburse funds upon authorization of the Club's Executive Board; shall submit documents for reimbursement from ASUM; shall assist all other officers in their regular duties as needed.

· IT Master at Arms: Shall be responsible to update the web page as necessary including updating photos. Shall assist with any technology needed for speakers and assist all other officers in their regular duties as needed.

· Club Photographer: Shall be responsible for taking photos of meetings, speakers and events. To provide the President and IT Master at Arms with finished photos for club use. Shall assist all other officers in their regular duties as needed. 

· Faculty Advisor: Shall advise the club on the expenditure of monies, but is not expected to handle the actual expenditures; shall advise the group in order to help minimize physical, emotional or psychological risks associated with club activities, shall participate and advise in both general and special meetings, shall vote in all Executive Board decisions.

Section C - When vacancies arise the position will be filled by application for the position from interested parties and voting of all full members. The only exceptions to this rule are:

1. If the President is no longer able to perform his/her duties the Vice President shall take over the responsibilities and appoint a new Vice President.

2. If a Faculty Advisor is unable to perform his/her duties then a willing faculty member will fill the position. If more than one faculty member would like to take the position the Executive Board Members shall make the choice. If no decision can be made then a vote will be made by full members.

3. After a one year term the Vice President will automatically become the next term President and will elect a Vice President before the next term begins.

Article VI - Elections

Section A - All Executive Board positions shall be voted for, with the exception of President and Vice President, by full members. The length of each term is one scholastic year. Each office may only be held by the same person for one year. The only exception to this rule is the Faculty Advisor position which may be held as long as there is no other interest from faculty members.

Section B - The Vice President shall automatically serve as President the following year.

Section C – The exiting President shall appoint the Vice President for the following year based on participation and enthusiasm for the club.

Section D - All members that want to run for office must submit, to the Executive Board, a short written statement with their name, position applying for, contributions to the club thus far, and future plans for contributions to the Club. 

Section E - Each nominee will have three minutes to present their qualifications as to why they should be elected into the position they are running for. The presentations will be presented in order of Faculty Advisor (if needed), Secretary, Treasure, IT Master at Arms. Once presentations are made all full members will vote by ballot, to be tallied by the Executive Board.

Section F - If a runoff is necessary to break a tie a special meeting will be held by the Executive Board and the nominees that are involved in the tie. The nominees will have two minutes each to present their case to the Executive Board. This will be followed by questioning from the Executive Board to each of the nominees. The Executive Board will then vote for the winning party. Decisions made by the Executive Board in this case are final.

Article VII - Dues / Funds

Dues for full membership into the Club will be $10.00 per semester. This fee is to be paid to the Treasurer of the Club who shall keep a ledger of all transactions. Other sources of club funds that will be used are ASUM, fundraising, and third party donations. Some fees may be charged for special events.

Article IIX - Committees

The only group committee is the Executive Board.

Article IX - Affiliations

Currently there is no local, state, regional, or national affiliations to this club.

Article X - Advisor

The faculty advisor must be a current UM faculty or staff member. No teaching assistants or faculty affiliates will be accepted as advisors. NO EXCEPTIONS!!!

Article XI - Amendments and Ratifications

The Executive Committee will review and revise, as necessary, this document at the beginning of each fall semester in a separate meeting before the regularly scheduled membership meeting. All changes shall be voted on by full members present at the first meeting.

Article XII - Bylaws and Other Documents

This club will abide by this constitution, all ASUM policies, and the University of Montana - Missoula alcohol and drug guidelines.