Supporting Student Success, Mental Health and Happiness

Students at the University of Montana are amazing. We are fortunate to have students with diverse backgrounds and experiences to help create a rich blend of great minds. Students are also people with lives outside of college and with the pressures of life, COVID, and school combined, more and more students are experiencing mental health challenges that are thwarting their success in school and robbing them of happiness.

Curry Counseling Services has over 5000 student visits each year and interacts with about 10-12% of the student body. These numbers increase each year. The Mission of the University of Montana College Counseling Services is to facilitate student success through a focus on mental health and well-being, specifically by providing Individual and Group Counseling for students experiencing psychological challenges. To do this, we need counselors and funds to pay for these counselors.

The Department of Counseling, through the work of Rita and John Sommers-Flannagan, and Curry Health Center Counseling Services has developed a program to support student mental health with the help of the University of Montana Mental Health and Happiness Fund. This fund is specifically designed to fund Graduate Interns in Curry Counseling Services by providing a small stipend. Graduate student Interns are able to provide excellent mental health services to students and given that funding for a permanent Counseling staff at UM has be less than ideal, having Interns is a way to increase staffing at Counseling Services. Curry Health Counseling Services also provides a robust training program for graduate interns in a variety of counseling disciplines. A win-win for all!

Please consider donating to this very needed service on campus. Both the University of Montana Counseling Services and national data shows the positive impact Counseling Services has on student retention, persistence, well-being and happiness! Your donation will help support UM students in very meaningful ways.

Thank you for your support.

To make a donation to the Mental Health and Happiness Fund, please complete the form below:

Mental Health and Happiness Fund