
Marco P. Maneta

Associate Professor


CHCB 317

Courses Taught

Hydrology - GEO 422

Surface Processes - GEO228

Computer Modeling - GEO585



Peer reviewed journals

Woelber, B, Maneta, M, Jencso, K and Harper, J (in preparation). Energy controls on diurnal snowmelt events and stream recharge in a semi-alpine catchment in western Montana.

Hursh, A, Ballantyne, A, Cooper, L, Maneta, M, Kimball, J, and Watts, J (2016). The sensitivity of soil respiration to soil temperature, moisture, and carbon supply at the global scale. Global Change Biology, DOI: 10.1111/gcb.13489

VanWormer, E, Carpenter, T , Singh, R, Shapiro, K, Wallender, W, Conrad, P, Largier, J, Maneta, M, Mazet, J (2016). Coastal development and precipitation drive pathogen flow from land to sea: evidence from a Toxoplasma gondii and felid host system. Scientific Reports, 6

Silverman, N and Maneta, M (2016). Detectability of change in winter precipitation within mountain landscapes: Spatial patterns and uncertainty. Water Resources Research, 52(6):4301-4320. 

S Begueria, SM Vicente-Serrano, M Toms-Burguera, M Maneta (2016). Bias in the variance of gridded data sets leads to misleading conclusions about changes in climate variability, International Journal of Climatology, 36(9):3413-3422.

Maneta, M and Howitt, R (2014). Stochastic calibration and data assimilation in non-stationary hydro-economic models. Water Resources Research, 50, 3976–3993,

Lozano-Parra, FJ, Maneta, M, Schnabel, S (2014). Response of pasture production to climate variability in a semiarid Mediterranean watershed with scattered tree cover. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 18, 1439-1456

Seligman, Z, Harper, J, Maneta, M, (2014). Changes to snowpack energy state from spring storm events, Columbia River headwaters, Montana. J of Hydrometeorology <doi:10.1175/JHM-D-12-078.1>

Maneta, M and Silverman, N (2013). A spatially-distributed model to simulate water, energy and vegetation dynamics using information from regional climate models. Earth Interactions, 17, 1-44

Silverman, N, Maneta, M, Chen, S-H, Harper, J (2013). Dynamically downscaled winter precipitation over complex terrain of the central Rockies of western Montana, USA. Water Resources Research, 49, 1-13, 

Maneta, M and Wallender, W, (2013). Pilot-point based multi-objective calibration in a surface-subsurface distributed hydrologic model. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 58(2), 1-18

Torres, M, Maneta, M, Howitt, R, Vosti, S, Wallender, W (2011). Economic impacts of regional water scarcity in the Sao Francisco River Basin (Brazil): An application of a linked hydro-economic model. Environment and Development Ecomomics, 17(2), 227-258.

Torres, M. Vosti, S. Maneta, M, Wallender, W, Rodrigues, L, Bassoi, L, Young, J (2011). Spatial patterns of rural poverty: an exploratory analysis in the Sao Francisco River Basin, Brazil. Nova Economia, 21(1): 45-66

Singh, P, Wallender, W, Maneta, M, Lee, S, Olsen, B (2010). Sustainable root zone salinity and shallow water table in the context of land retirement. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, 136(5):289-299

Maneta, M, Wallender, W, Torres, M, Howitt, R Vosti, S, Panday, S (2009). A linked hydro-economic model to assess the effect of droughts on land use, farm profits and agricultural employment. Water Resources Research, 45, W11412, 

Maneta, M, Wallender, W, Torres, M, Vosti, S, Kirby, M, Bassoi, L, Rodrigues, L (2009). Water demand and flows in the Sao Francisco River Basin (Brazil) with increased irrigation. Agricultural Water Management, 96(8): 1191-1200.

Maneta, M, Torres, M, Vosti, S, Wallender, W, Allen, S, Bassoi, L, Bennett, L, Howitt, R, Rodrigues, L, Young, J (2009). Assessing agriculture-water links at basin scale: A hydro-economic model of the São Francisco River basin, Brazil. Water International, 34(1): 88-103.

Maneta, M, Singh, P, Torres, M, Wallender, W, Vosti, S, Rodrigues, L, Bassoi, L, Young, J (2009). Parsimonious Crop Water Productivity Index under Unforced Conditions for Large Basins. Area, 41(1): 94-106.

Maneta, M., Schnabel, S., Wallender, W., Panday, S. and Jetten, V (2008). Calibration of an evapotranspiration model to simulate soil water dynamics in a semiarid rangeland. Hydrological Processes, 22(24): 4655-4669.

Maneta, M, Schnabel, S, Jetten, V (2008). Continuous spatially distributed simulation of surface and subsurface hydrological processes in a small semiarid catchment. Hydrological Processes, 22(13): 2196-214.

Maneta, M., Pasternack, G.B., Wallender, W.W., Jetten, V. and Schnabel, S., (2007). Temporal instability of parameters in an event-based distributed hydrologic model applied to a small semiarid catchment. Journal of Hydrology, 341(3-4): 207-221.

Lavado, F, Maneta, M and Schnabel, S (2006). Prediction of near-surface soil moisture at large scale by digital terrain modeling and neural networks. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 121(1-3): 211-230.

Peer reviewed book chapters

Jetten, V G and Maneta, M P (2010). Calibration of Erosion Models. In: Morgan, R and Nearing, M (eds), Handbook of Erosion Modelling. Willy-Blackwell, pp. 33-51.

Schnabel, S. and Maneta, M., (2005). Modelling suspended sediment time-series produced by runoff peaks in small semiarid catchments: A neural network approach. In: R. Batalla (Editor), River/Catchment Dynamics. IAHS Red Books, Solsona, pp. 91-100.

Maneta, M. and Schnabel, S., (2003) “Aplicacion de redes neuronales artificiales para determinar la distribucion espacial de la humedad del suelo en una pequena cuenca de drenaje. Estudios preliminares. En: J. Alvarez-Benedi y P. Marinero (Editores), VI Jornadas sobre Investigacion en la Zona no Saturada del Suelo. ITA, Valladolid, pp. 296-304.