Paying Students with Scholarships and Fellowships

Scholarships awarded by the Financial Aid office cannot be used as income to gain TA/RA residency status for non-resident graduate students. 

Graduate scholarships and fellowships can qualify non-resident graduate students for reduced tuition expenses through the Dean's Merit Award (DMA) provided that the scholarship or fellowship meets criteria as a national program of excellence, as determined by the Graduate School and approved by Graduate Council. The Graduate School funds up to 8 DMA in any academic year. 

Non-resident graduate students who have been recruited with scholarships and who do not meet the criteria for the DMA may be eligible for the 150% tuition level, if the scholarship meets the minimum standards of the TA-RA status ($9000 per year Masters level, $14,8000 for Doctoral level). 

Programs who are regularly recruiting students through a specific, funded scholarship or fellowship program can apply for a 150% tuition level by sending a letter to the Graduate School stating the purpose of the scholarship; the benefit to the University for recruiting this pool of students; and the expected number of students recruited under the program. 

Example: The Coverdell Program for Returned Volunteer Peace Corps members, which facilitates RVCPs to apply to graduate school, will automatically qualify for 150% tuition.

Please send a 150% Form to to be considered.