Internal Audit and Enterprise Risk

The Office of Internal Audit and Enterprise Risk provides an independent, objective assurance that risks to the achievement of the University of Montana's objectives are understood and managed appropriately.


Internal Audits
Enterprise Risk Management
External Audits Coordination

Our Mission Vision and Values

To protect and enhance the University of Montana's values by providing reliable advice, insight, assurance, and consulting services in support of the University's Priorities For Action.


To be recognized as a thought leader in internal controls assessments, enterprise risk management practices, and continuous improvement.


  • Integrity: We perform our work honestly, diligently, and responsibly.
  • Competence: We continuously improve our proficiency and the quality of our services.
  • Objectivity: We make a balanced assessment of all relevant information or circumstances and are not unduly influenced by our own interests or by others in forming judgements.
  • Confidentiality: We do not disclose information we receive without appropriate authority unless there is a legal or professional obligation to do so.

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