Banner Modernization Project

Project Overview

The UM IT Enterprise Technologies division is working with Ellucian to update our Banner software architecture and processes. The Banner Modernization Project (BMP) will fix and improve current Banner processes, systems, and interfaces, as well as introduce new systems connected to Banner which will increase efficiency and capabilities for employees and students. This project supports UM Strategy's Annual Playbook Objective 8.2 "Modernize Banner to increase efficiencies and capabilities for employees and students".

These upgrades to UM's technological infrastructure will bring us closer to industry standards, address security and compliance issues, identify and eliminate redundant systems and processes, and explore new functionality to improve efficiency. The result will be an improvement of the student and employee experience, including streamlining and automating business processes and workflows, new electronic document storage solutions with built-in retention policies, a new mobile-friendly portal for students to access electronic services, and a transition to a more integrated learning management system.

BMP Components

The components of the Banner Modernization Project include:

System Analyses (SA)

We are conducting Ellucian module system analyses with key functional areas at UM, and implementing recommendations aligned with our business and student processes. With Ellucian consultants, we are performing system analyses across our entire Ellucian Banner ecosystem to move closer to baseline operations, which will increase capabilities, reduce reliance on custom internal systems and maintenance, and better prepare us for future features and service types from Ellucian. UM IT is overseeing the recommended implementations across the Banner module owners, including Admissions, Registrar's Office, Financial Aid, Student Accounts, Finance, and Human Resources.

Ellucian Ethos

Ethos is the API developed by Ellucian for interfacing with Banner, and is used for integration with external systems and identity management.

Ellucian Workflow

Ellucian Workflow is the successor to Banner Workflow, and is a tool to automate business process and workflows. Workflow allows data and documents to route digitally and automatically read and input data into Banner versus physical processes which require a person to manually enter data into Banner.

Banner Document Management (BDM)

Banner Document Management, and it's sub-component Banner Document Retention (BDR), are an electronic document management repository that stores digital documents, retains them according to predefined institution rules, and allows access based on associated Banner roles and permissions.

Ellucian Experience

Experience will be a replacement for CyberBear, our custom front-end for Banner.

Ellucian Intelligent Learning Platform (ILP)

ILP integrates instant two-way communication between Banner and our Learning Management System (LMS), currently OpenLMS/Moodle but Canvas within the next year.

Ellucian Managed Cloud

The migration of Banner to the Ellucian Managed Cloud (Ellucian MC), also referred to as the Banner Cloud Migration, moves our Banner systems from servers on the University of Montana campus to servers hosted and managed by Ellucian. This improves our operational capabilities, uptime, and support infrastructure.

Additional Information

More information can be found on our BMP SharePoint site (project members only).