The Riverscape Analysis Project

The Riverscape Analysis Project (RAP) is being developed into a web-based GIS Decision Support System (DSS) for salmonid conservation, with funding made available from NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration). RAP offers flexible, user-friendly and scientifically robust datasets, tools and educational resources to aid in the decision-making process for salmonid conservation across North Pacific Rim (NPR) Rivers under a changing climate. Further, the RAP DSS provides critical GIS and modeling tools to extract and download remote sensing data, habitat classification and suitability rankings, climate change vulnerability assessments, riverscape genetic analyses, and genetic and demographic monitoring in salmonids. The RAP DSS was originally based upon a robust classification (typology) of rivers and river habitats which is aimed at mapping habitat quality and abundance, as well as conserving the existing potential production of salmon and the rivers that they spawn and rear in. It also includes a growing database of empirically measured abundance and genetic diversity metrics, allowing for advanced planning, research and decisions-making in salmonid conservation.