Regional Hydrology Lab

Our research takes an interdisciplinary view of hydrology that considers the hydrologic cycle as the background process that sustains and articulates physical, ecological, and socioeconomic processes.  Under this perspective, the study of how water flows in the landscape is both a final objective and a means to achieve an integrated understanding of our environment.

Our activity touches a broad range of fields including surfacea and groundwater hydrology, climatology, agroclimatology, hydro-economics and water resources management, and ecohydrology. 

From a scientific point of view, our mission can be summarized in three broad topics:

  1. Understanding the interaction between hydrologic, climatic, socioeconomic, and ecological processes from the perspective of water as the common supporting agent.
  2. Understanding how impacts from economic activities propagate in the environmental system.
  3. Developing advanced predictive and analysis tools that can be used to inform policy and decision making.