Ask an ORCS

Ask an ORCS:  What is the difference between ORCS and ORSP?

Scott Mills: 9/28/18

Whew, an easy one.  ORCS is the Office for Research and Creative Scholarship.  Scott Whittenburg is the Vice President for Research and Creative Scholarship, so he is the head of ORCS.  Under ORCS are a bunch of offices.  I won’t list them all, but you can see them listed at:

One of those offices that are under the Office for Research and Creative Scholarship is ORSP, the Office of Sponsored Programs.  ORSP deals with administering institutional external funding (eg Pre-award, post-award), award management and closeout, and audits.  Their job is challenging, because they often have to be the messenger of financial constraints that PIs would rather not hear.  Don’t shoot the messenger; instead, try chocolate.