Standard Five: Library and Information Resources

Supporting Documentation

Required Exhibits

RE 5-01: Printed materials that describe for students the hours and services of learning resources facilities such as libraries, computer labs, and audio-visual facilities.

  • A collection of printed materials is available in the Exhibit Room

RE 5-02: Policies, regulations, and procedures for the development and management of library and information resources, including collection development and weeding.

RE 5-03: Statistics on use of library and other learning resources.

RE 5-04: Statistics on library collection and inventory of other learning resources.

RE 5-05: Assessment measures utilized to determine the adequacy of facilities for the goals of the library and information resources and services.

RE 5-06: Assessment measures to determine the adequacy of holdings, information resources and services to support the educational programs both on and off campus.

RE 5-07: Data regarding number and assignments of library staff.

  • Please see Exhibit RE 5-08 (below)

RE 5-08: Chart showing the organizational arrangements for managing libraries and other information resources (e.g. computing facilities, instructional media, and telecommunication centers).

  • Mansfield Library Organizational Chart (hard copy exhibit)
  • Information Technology Organizational Chart (hard copy exhibit)

RE 5-09: Comprehensive budget(s) for library and information resources.

RE 5-10: Vitae of professional library staff.

  • A CD-ROM containing faculty vitae is available in the Exhibit Room

RE 5-11: Formal, written agreements with other libraries.

RE 5-12: Computer usage statistics related to the retrieval of library resources.

RE 5-13: Printed information describing user services provided by the computing facility.

RE 5-14: Studies or documents describing the evaluation of library and information resources.

Other Supporting Materials

OSM 5-01: Mansfield Library Strategic Plan

OSM 5-02: Library Guides

OSM 5-03: Academic Information Technology Committee