Student Spotlight

Reece Brandon

Student name: Reece Brandon

What degree is the student seeking?
B.S. in Pre-Professional Exercise Science

Why did you select to pursue this degree?
My professional goal is to become a physical therapist, and this degree is the most direct route to that profession. In addition, the human body has always fascinated me, and this degree delves into how its mechanisms and maintenance impacts us in our everyday lives.

Why have they been selected for student of the month?
Reece Brandon, is a senior studying Pre-Professional Exercise Science in the School of Integrative Physiology and Athletic Training (formerly called Health and Human Performance). Like most of his top performing peers, Reece is studying with the intent of a career in medicine or allied health. In Reece’s instance, he is interested in the physical therapy profession and has already begun to apply to doctoral in physical therapy programs with the intent of starting in the fall of 2020. Throughout the past four years at UM, Reece’s education has been enhanced by participating in The Davidson Honors College, getting a minor in Global Public Health, organizing ASUM clubs like Global Grizzlies and the Pre-Physical Therapy Club, peer academic advising, and volunteering regularly with programs like New Directions. Because Reece was raised in Montana, he is always looking for ways to relate his education to the outdoor activities that he has grown to love, like skiing in the winter time! Reece is naturally inquisitive and the human body has always fascinated him, a natural fit between his personal interests and his professional ambitions.