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Prosecution Wraps up Direct Exam of Dr. Whitehouse

Darker scales of justice After the lunch break, Dr. Alan Whitehouse resumed his direct examination, answering questions from Assistant United States Attorney Kris McLean. Initially, Dr. Whitehouse took the jury through a biology lesson, explaining the functioning of the lung and the progression of asbestos-related diseases. According to Dr. Whitehouse, exposure to asbestos is akin to “inhaling a needle.” The needle creates inflammation that can lead to pleural plaques, which may progress until the death of the patient. Dr. Whitehouse described pleural plaques as scarring on the lining of the lung.The government appeared to be using Dr. Whitehouse’s testimony to bolster its allegations that WR Grace and the individual defendants violated the Clean Air Act. Dr. Whitehouse’s testimony appeared relevant in two ways. First, the government needs to prove that the defendants knew that asbestos posed an “imminent danger of death or serious bodily injury.” Dr. Whitehouse testified that exposure to asbestos can creates asbestos-related diseases, including cancers (lung, bowel, mesothelioma) and pleural diseases (plaques, thickening, effusions, asbestosis). He testified that the body cannot rid itself of asbestos and that the disease is progressive. He described it as a continuum that begins with pleural plaque and ends with death.

The government also has to prove that the defendants knowingly released asbestos after the statute of limitations date of November 3, 1999. Kris McLean spent a significant amount of time this afternoon leading Dr. Whitehouse through his diagnosis of several patients with asbestos-related diseases. Dr. Whitehouse testified about four specific patients that he diagnosed as having asbestos-related diseases: Mrs. and Mrs. Parker, Mel Burnett, and Wendy Challinor. Each of these individuals became his patient after 2000 and was diagnosed between 2001 and 2007. Of particular importance, Dr. Whitehouse testified that he first diagnosed Mrs. Parker as having an asbestos-related disease in 2005 and Mr. Parker in 2007. Dr. Whitehouse testified that he saw Mrs. Parker six-to-eight weeks ago and she had a new pleural plaque.

Mr. and Mrs. Parker were in the courtroom during this testimony and watched Dr. Whitehouse show the jury the Parkers’ chest x-rays. Both Mr. and Mrs. Parker became emotional during this testimony, especially when Dr. Whitehouse testified about his observations of the progression of asbestos-related disease from pleural plaque to death.

– Andrew King-Ries (posted 3:40 p.m.)


Comment from Terry Trent
Time March 4, 2009 at 8:26 pm

With all due respect to Dr. Whitehouse, who I would trust for my personal treatment any day of the week. The highest mesothelioma rate in the United States is not Libby Montana. Hands down it is Jefferson County, Louisiana. Libby doesn’t even come close to the highest mesothelioma rate in the United States. Also, this is not “strictly due to how much “asbestos” is floating around. First of all, Tremolite doesn’t float, but it would be much more accurate to say “how much Tremolite is floating around” than to say “how much “asbestos” is floating around. What proof do we have of that?…….San Francisco California has the highest amount of “asbestos” floating around anywhere in the United States, and what protects people there is that it isn’t Tremolite.

“In Libby we have the highest mesothelioma rate in the nation,” Whitehouse said, “and its strictly due to how much asbestos is floating around

Comment from Mike Crill Missoula,Mt
Time March 15, 2009 at 9:31 pm

I am disappointed that the Govt did not expose Dr.Whitehouse as the Dr. who was used by WR Grace in 1990 to diagnose(ILLEGALLY) the miners when the mine shut down.Many of those Whitehouse diagnosed in 1990 from the mine have died with nothing but their boots on which saves WR Grace millions per person.This is like a story/nitemare in a Nazi concentration camp to hide all the killings of the Jews.Sure seems so close to the same.Specially with Peter Grace being a Nazi and gassing Jews.Hey…why not. We never won no war compared to what WR Grace knowingly done to all of us.ya think???More truth needs told.I wonder why it is not a issue???

Comment from Mike Crill Missoula,Mt
Time March 22, 2009 at 5:04 pm

Is that why WR Grace Dr. Alan Whitehouse diagnosed 90% of Libby with Plural Thickening/Plague. Is that why WR Grace Dr.Alan Whitehouse states a Meso epidemic like no other will begin to peek 10 to 30 years from now.Hummmm wonder what that could be from. Does he mean us 90% will be the epidemic of Meso but we all have Plural right now???? Tests from the 70s in rats NOW show Libby Tremolite causes Meso. I think Dr.Whitehouse might be on to something…Imagine that wood yah…

Comment from Mike Crill Missoula,Mt
Time March 26, 2009 at 9:57 pm

EXPERT TESTIMONY.ALL people in Libby will die from asbestosis, if they don’t die from something else first. What a lovely future Libby provides. Close Libby…Please!!!

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