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Week 6: Locke testimony ends in perjury allegation

Day in and day out, the court heard testimony from government witness and former Grace employee Robert Locke this week, only to see Locke accused of perjury on what was to be his last day under cross-examination.  Court is now in recess for a full week as Judge Donald Molloy considers striking all or some of Locke’s testimony.

The alleged perjury pertained to a conversation Locke claimed he had with Grace executive Robert Bettachi, one of the five remaining defendants, about whether or not the company should continue trying to sell its properties in Libby.  In Locke’s testimony, made Wednesday under direct examination by the prosecution, Locke claimed he told Bettachi that selling the real estate “was a real bad idea, we should just plant grass and keep people the hell out of it,” and that Bettachi replied by saying, “Buyer beware.”

Two of the eventual buyers were Mel and Lerah Parker, both of whom have since been diagnosed with asbestos-related disease.  The court heard their testimony several weeks ago.

Locke’s account of his conversation with Bettachi apparently contradicted his testimony before a grand jury charged with investigating Grace in 2005.  At that time, Locke stated under oath that he had never discussed the properties with Bettachi.  There were no written records of the conversation.

Defense Attorney Thomas Frongillo made the perjury accusation on Thursday, two days after predicting that Locke would perjure himself on another matter, the secrecy of meetings related to a Grace product called Monokote.  The Monokote testimony and related evidence was ultimately not allowed before the jury, but that didn’t stop the defense from working to destroy Locke’s credibility.

During a three-day cross examination, the defense repeatedly challenged the completeness, accuracy and veracity of Locke’s testimony, which at times proved spotty.  After providing detailed recollections of meetings, tests and evidence from the 1970s for the prosecution, Locke’s memory appeared to be less than perfect when he dealt with questions from the defense.

During testimony Wednesday afternoon, Locke mischaracterized the nature of testimony he had made during a previous case about Dr. Julie Yang, another witness, prompting defense attorney David Bernick to call him out in one of a series of sarcastic, antagonistic exchanges between the two.

In a session early Thursday afternoon, Locke failed to answer direct questions from Bernick at least 10 times, prompting Molloy to ask Locke if he was paying attention to the questions at all.  Later in the day, defense attorney Thomas Frongillo questioned Locke about his mental condition, as Locke has apparently been diagnosed with depression, anxiety and attention deficit disorder. Frongillo asked whether Locke’s medication was affecting his testimony, a question that drew gasps from the galley.

Later that afternoon, Frongillo dropped the hammer.  He brought up Locke’s 2005 testimony and accused Locke of lying about the conversation with Bettachi, Frongillo’s client, “because you wanted to stick it to the guy who didn’t give you any money,” Frongillo said.

This referred to Locke’s long-standing civil litigation against Grace, which has been ongoing since 1998, and which has been the subject of much discussion in the court throughout the week.  Locke has apparently tried to settle the case several times to no avail.

Earlier in the week, Locke testified that Grace executives quashed a proposed study of their workers’ health because they wouldn’t be allowed to edit it, that they worked to delay a NIOSH study of workers’ asbestos exposure at Libby, that they failed to tell their customers the whole truth about the health dangers inherent in their products, and that there was “no way [Grace] could comply” with new OSHA regulations in the 1970s, and that trying to do so would have put the company out of business.

All this testimony may now be struck from the record, and the jury may be instructed to disregard it.  A decision from Molloy is expected when court reconvenes Wednesday, April 8, at 9 a.m.

–Daniel Doherty


Comment from Dan Kurtz
Time March 30, 2009 at 6:13 am

Don’t expect any sense of justice for what Grace did to Libby. I lived in Woburn (site of A Civil Action) and that community has never been made whole. The Grace property sits padlocked and deteriorating more than 20 years after the trial. What happened in Libby was so much worse than what happened in Woburn, but I think this has been ignored by the Traditional Media for years. FULL DISCLOSURE: My wife’s cousin was one of the plaintiffs in the trial in Woburn and she lost her son as a result of Grace’s and other defendants greed and callousness.

Comment from Mike Crill Missoula,Mt
Time March 30, 2009 at 11:27 am

Hi Dan. As we both know, there is no justice.That is why they got away with murder for over 40 years. But then in 1999, the selling of Libby as safe began to bloom and the doom began all over again. Here we are, 10 years later and the first diagnoses of asbestosis has just been told to a man who has moved to Libby 5 years ago.Being told/sold that Libby is safe. And the killings continue. What are we the people to do??? I tell all who will listen since 1999 to stay away from Libby.Most listen..some don’t. Libby must be condemned and no one allowed to breathe the air that kills…still.

Comment from John Derry
Time March 30, 2009 at 6:40 pm

Justice? Like Woburn? Grace was fined 8 mill, “most of which went to Lawyers and Lawyer fees “.ie:(wikipedia)
You’re hitting the nails on the heads too, Dan…”
she lost her son as a result of Grace’s and other defendants greed and callousness”.
It’s the love for money these folks did what they did and do what they do.
Meanwhile my heart goes out to Dan’s relative whom lost her son. That is the human face of doings such as these.

Comment from John Derry
Time March 30, 2009 at 7:00 pm

To those who want to climb sign on board Mike’s band wagon and sue the railroads, I say round up all the responsible parties!
That ought to include the person who unloaded that rail car, right? and the person who transported it to the bagging plant, all of those employees. The distributors, even the sales people whom sold it to innocent gardeners. And the contractors whom sprayed it on the walls of the world trade centers. ( Libby tremolite is in the streets of New York City) I mean everyone whom put someone else in harms way with Libby Tremolite.
I guess we should include the miners in Libby too, with out them, none of this would have been shipped out in the first place.
Sorry if I included you there Mike.
Should we round them all up and charge them with Murder?
Mike ,,, you and I go back many ( I mean many) years, I know you are a good kid, and your heart is in the right place, but we gotta get real here.
Huggs ( always !!)

Comment from Gerry Heard of Libby, Mt
Time March 30, 2009 at 8:07 pm

Your right we need to include Mike. After all he was an employee of W.R.Grace – until he was fired. Care to enlighten us on that Mike?

Comment from Terry Trent
Time March 31, 2009 at 11:04 am

Good point John…too many bad guys or guys who can be made to seem bad. One thing Irving Selikoff did (good..he did much bad), many years ago, was to open an address to an International Asbestos Conference (OSHA I believe) by saying “we all have blood on our hands”. He was right. We do.

Still, I would like all of us to cast a few stones at EPA and ATSDR who continue even today to make things much worse. They are the ones who belong in jail. They are the ones who need to have an example made of them and their mamsy pamsy philosophies. They are the ones who conspire each and every day to “not scare the public” and “save the budget” which amounts to the most arrogant, paternal, neglectful BS one could possibly think of, crossing into so many territories of illegal activity and criminal neglect, that one can not count all of them. Resulting in their various “unimportant” victims dying cold lonely bankrupted deaths in hospitals across our country.

Yes you are right, but we should at least go after the low hanging fruit, and none hangs lower than these organizations. The alternative is to never see a correction of these God awful attitudes amongst those we are supposed to trust the most.

Comment from Mike Crill Missoula,Mt
Time March 31, 2009 at 2:21 pm

Listen, no one includes Mike Crill only because I do better by myself.Why bring others into what I live.Dying with asbestos is bad enough.I agree with everyone that my means for communication to the out side world is a bit barbaric and hostile.I guess it comes from being treated the same way. But I am not the guilty one.Sure I loaded the box cars that now I know has killed Millions.Yah, me, mike crill, loading deadly grain cars with deadly Tremolite. To be used in twinkies, baby powder,tampons,etc etc…all causing pain and suffering till death.Yah, I should be held for being apart of this known Holocaust that left Libby and left so much human death in it’s trail. Just living near RR tracks causes asbestosis and Meso.But I had no idea and had I known back then what I know today, no train would of been filled and no one would be dead and dying today. All I can do is save as many people as I can cause the killings continue by the lies being sold that Libby is safe.Some one has to tell the truth. What a price I have paid for being right.No wonder I am mad all the time. Oh, I do have good days but such is my life when your right…and so many are wrong and ignorant…Just think, there will come a day and no more Mike Crill. either party or say your sorry or even a thanks. John Derry my friend…are you Bob? No BS… Oh yah, Gerry,why don’t you tell me how I was fired.I was not fired ass hole.I quit to go to work at the Lumber Mill. I can’t help it if WR Grace employed some real ass holes.They are ALL dead today. Imagine that… Did you work their too Gerry?

Comment from John Derry
Time March 31, 2009 at 11:17 pm

No I am wrong, we can not include Mike for the very reason he stated. In turn he can not include the railroad ect. for that very same reason.
As much as I hate repeating myself Mr. Trent you are hitting the nail upon the head Let us read again what Terry wrote.
This is the straight skinny !!Still, I would like all of us to cast a few stones at EPA and ATSDR who continue even today to make things much worse. They are the ones who belong in jail. They are the ones who need to have an example made of them and their mamsy pamsy philosophies. They are the ones who conspire each and every day to “not scare the public” and “save the budget” which amounts to the most arrogant, paternal, neglectful BS one could possibly think of, crossing into so many territories of illegal activity and criminal neglect, that one can not count all of them. Resulting in their various “unimportant” victims dying cold lonely bankrupted deaths in hospitals across our country.

Yes you are right, but we should at least go after the low hanging fruit, and none hangs lower than these organizations. The alternative is to never see a correction of these God awful attitudes amongst those we are supposed to trust the most. This is it in a nut shell.
Thank you again Terry

Comment from John Derry
Time April 1, 2009 at 7:26 am

Mike. What/who is Bob? I’m sitting a matter of yards from where you rented (in the 70’s) from my mother. + Who would want to impersonate me? You gotta settle down, and get real. (maybe seek a little professional help). Take care J.

Comment from Mike Crill Missoula,Mt
Time April 1, 2009 at 7:57 am

Glad you aren’t Bob,John. but you two could be brothers. Me and Bob have been carrying on for some time now,he won’t tell me his name but he also knows me. John, I need no proff help, I am beyond that.Zoloft has been my friend for over 10 years now.A person can be mad and care at the same time can’t he John… Can’t afford a Dr. to tell me what my problem is. Libby is my problem and all those who did this and are getting away with it. Who is right? Who is wrong? Any way John, some things in life happen and how one deals/lives with it is the difference between me and alot of folks.I just thought more people would care more about other people when told why we are sick and dying as we continue the never ending burying our loved ones and watching the rest suffer till death. Maybe ya all ain’t seeing what I see. Maybe ya all ain’t waking up each day feeling tired of being sick and tired. Maybe ya don’t experience the reality that those around you everyday, those who you love and love you as it shows in their pain and suffering not only for me but also for them. Most of my crying is for them as I happen to catch their pain and suffering when they cry for me. And then what I leave behind John is what drives the knife even further because they are walking in my foot steps as the circle continues of what life we have left. I don’t expect ya all to walk in these shoes, many many are today and I wish this on no human being. Why I seem to be the only one telling people to stay away, I think I qualify to speak on behalf of those we leave behind John… Damn I sure would rather be fishing or floating water somewhere. Oh well… Give Mom our love and both hug each other for us. Glad you aren’t Bob…. take care and I will be ok too. Soon I hope…

Comment from John Derry
Time April 1, 2009 at 9:03 am

Mike my heart goes out to you. You being such a good friend of my little bro.puts you in the same soft spot in my heart. But you know me, if I saw Geo. messing up, I’d call him on it too.

Comment from Mike Crill Missoula,Mt
Time April 2, 2009 at 9:45 am

John, me messing up??? Messing up what??? The mess is already here and sickness and death is all around.ALL from the same thing.Am I messing up for wanting and trying to stop what has happened to me and my family and a town I once loved?? You been away for awhile John so don’t come home and tell me I am messing up. I been at this far too long for anyone to say I am messing up…for caring about others and wanting justice to what was done to us.I am alive John to make sure of that.. .Thank alot John…

Comment from Gary Heard of Libby, Mt
Time April 2, 2009 at 1:36 pm

Mike: I don’t think anyone would disagree that Asbestos, (especially from Libby), was bad. At the end of the day – we are still here. We are getting it cleaned up. We are raising our families. We are building our homes, schools, and churches. We are encouraging new development in Libby. We are working with employers to bring in more jobs for our community. We are purchasing good and services here. We are continuing to make our community better. We are Libby.
Do we have challenges – sure, every community does, but don’t think for a minute that anyone will throw in the towel and quite. We still live in the most stunning part of the world.
Continue on with your “I hate Libby – Stay away from Libby” hate message. Just like all divisive speak, it falls on deft ear’s. Carry your continued hatred, but don’t think that anyone is following you. Even old friends who know the messenger do not believe in the message. Someone suggested that you get help – I don’t think that would help – the hatred is burned too far down in you.

Libby has learned from its past. We will be a stronger community, we will not let the past define us.

Comment from carol hilton, former Libby, Mt
Time April 2, 2009 at 4:11 pm


Comment from John Derry
Time April 2, 2009 at 6:20 pm

Mike: the only time I have not been a resident of Libby Mt.was from 1971 to 1974. I was one of the first babies born in St. John’s.
When you try to paint Peter Grace as a Nazi who gassed Jews, you are messing up.

Comment from Mike Crill Missoula,Mt
Time March 14, 2009 at 11:21 pm
Oh but it does not surprise me when you have a Nazi that came to the US after/during WW2 and became head of the Dept in Govt that sets laws and rules on exposure to toxins and things, that this Nazi, who also had something to do with the gassing of the Jews…KNEW in 1963 that what he was doing would kill millions of human beings. And the Nazi also knew he had 20 to 40 years to poison millions around the world and in this country.And that is just what he did.Here we are today, 2009 and millions today are waking up to the truth as to why they are sick and dying.From not being told the truth. I believe if one looks up Peter Grace during the Kennedy assassination, you will see he had some involvement then. The Skull and Cross Bones is a title that keeps coming up.Hummmm wonder why??? Peter Grace knew he had a asbestos/Tremolite asbestos mine in 1963 in Libby and classified that mine as a Vermiculite mine. Nothing about Tremolite even thou asbestos was/is their main product/poison. Lots more to this story…LotsIf this is true post a link
And when you accuse the railroaders and want to charge them. That’s messing up ( I can cut and paste that if you need your memory refreshed.
Since day one Mr Trent has had his eye squarely on ball correctly. He remarked how he wished he could get the same enthusiasm from you to go after the EPA&ATSDR
I suspected why, here was my conformation.
Comment from Mike Crill Missoula,Mt
Time March 29, 2009 at 5:19 pm
Kinda nutty that I moved to Libby in 1966.Worked for murderous WR disGrace in the 70s and diagnosed in 1999. Alive to attend WR disGrace trial 2009. Now all I need is a guilty verdict and a whole bunch of money.ASAP…

And what divides you and I, my old friend, also has so bitterly divided Libby low these many years.
For I will not seek, nor will I take, any of this blood money from Grace.

Comment from John Derry
Time April 2, 2009 at 8:54 pm

Let me clarify something. I ment to say Mr. Trent wished he could get you to go after the EPA & AtSDR as enthusiastically as you pursue “Dis Grace”.
( I don’t think Mr. Trent needs any help!!)

Comment from Mike Crill Missoula,Mt
Time April 2, 2009 at 10:09 pm

Hi ya all…I think. Keep in mind John, who spoke out in 1990/91/92/93/94/95/96/97/98…in 1999 John,EPA/Libby…who spoke out John 2000/2001/2002/2003/2004/2004/2006/2006/2008/2009 and NOW John my friend and all of you…I have to ask… where the hell were you? So don’t even go there, any of you. It is only resently most of you have come out of the closet and the rest are digging their hole. Been digging that hole about 1963 when WR disGrace came to Libby. I think if all of you look at all I talk about, really, my concerns are not you.Any of you. You choose to stay and deny the truth.I understand when you are the truth as this truth is humanly hard to except.Oh but you will when your time comes. I promise you all that. You all breathe the same air and deserve to die in Libby. Those that Libby continues to kill is what I am about. I want to save them, tell them the truth instead of listening to those of you in denial and care less.YOU are the twisted ones for not caring about those you know and see suffering and being buried.How you all can be so so narrow minded and blind to the truth…I am glad I only have less than a dozen of you who I bother with to try and educate to save the grand kids and all kids. I suggest you ignorant s read the testimony of WR disGrace. If not then shut up. Oh what a beautiful day this is…Your all welcome…No…No…No… to your yes yes yes Carol. The truth

Comment from Mike Crill Missoula,Mt
Time April 2, 2009 at 10:26 pm

Oh and you bet I will take money from those who killed me and my family John. Don’t feel sorry for disGrace John. I will take money from all those who knew this and did nothing to stop it or warn us…until it is too late.Ain’t gonna see justice and pain and suffering John, you ain’t got a clue.This money is for people like me, dead and dying. Problem is you all ain’t walked my shoes but you will. As long as new people move to Libby the killing of people will never stop.You got a problem with that??? I do…Let Libby be your la la land… that is fine but it isn’t a la la land for new generations of human beings to expose themselves to asbestos. You people are really something else.Sure glad your numbers are almost extinct. Stop selling Libby as safe. Let Libby and ya all die alone. not right to kill more and more…knowingly…Why don’t you people see this? Ignorance is blind but no excuse for murder. Many, many are glad and thankful for what I have done and continue to do.Even those whom lives I have saved. And then theirs you people. Freedom of speech, a great right huh. Right or wrong..Oh but it’s great to be right…

Comment from Mike Crill Missoula,Mt
Time April 3, 2009 at 9:28 am

I would like to apologize to those offended by venting when this is not the site to do that. I shall try to focus on the WR disGrace trial and not opposition to my involvement. When the guilty verdict is read and new charges filed, I shall leave this all up to the next Mike Crill who happens to come along.What a ride…

Comment from John Derry
Time April 3, 2009 at 10:06 am

I noticed you did not try to convince me, P. Grace was a Nazi. When you say outrageous lies to make a point you are no better the the greedy corporate jerks on trial today.

And where have I said Libby is safe?
Show me!

Mike you say ” I will take money from all those who knew this and did nothing to stop it or warn us…until it is too late.Ain’t gonna see justice and pain and suffering John, you ain’t got a clue.This money is for people like me, dead and dying. Problem is you all ain’t walked my shoes but you will.”
You want money / responsibility from all guilty parties? Then you would have been after the EPA/ATSDR from the start. You don’t because no 20 pieces of silver comes from that direction. When you saw others in Libby getting their jackpots you wanted some too. ( I’m referring to an earlier post made by you). No doubt if you had gotten your cash cow (in 1990) you would be up in Alaska fishing. And we wouldn’t be hearing nearly such a loud noise from Mike Crill today.
Don’t bother denying it, as I proved above, you will say anything to make a point.

I wont see my granddaughter grow up, my will is made out, how dare you say I don’t know what is going on. I’m not in your shoes? Thank you for the diagnosis Dr. Crill. You have no idea how badly I wish you were right.

Comment from John Derry
Time April 3, 2009 at 11:52 am

Too bad I type so slowly. Otherwise I might have not blasted Mike so hardly. (sorry Mike) But I disagree, this is the perfect place to express yourself.

As a dear friend pointed out to me long ago, ” we can disagree and still be friends”.

Comment from mike nelson
Time April 3, 2009 at 3:20 pm

to whom it my concern ,yes the victums of this crime should go after any and all who knowing knew the damages this fiber would cause . remember it was not the vermiculite it was what was in it that killed. only a very few people in the state ,federal and corporate world knew the long term suffering and eventuial death that this deadly fiber can cause . no matter what you call it they still knew and took total advantage of the long term latency of the dieases that it has caused, now and in the future. the sick part in this story is all of the profits made off of human beings that are the true victims of this crime of the century . ashes to ashes dust to dust is there any justice for just us the sick and dying.

Comment from Mike Crill Missoula,Mt
Time April 4, 2009 at 9:44 am

When WE the People, have a Govt that knowingly allows Corporations to kill We the People and do nothing to stop it.Then We the People have a Govt just as guilty as the Corporations for killing us. Libby Montana is such a place.Always will be as long as the town remains in denial at a cost of human life.Libby never cared then and Libby cares less today.Nothing will change until the dirt is removed.In this case,Libby deserves all the dirt and asbestos as you all suffer and die together.And John,wow…I am sadden by the your response.I am surprised really because I figure you to be of some smarts but the truth John will prevail and those in the wrong shall fall.I know for a fact, I stand tall for those whom matter and do care about a air that kills.I try to tell all to save them John.I am called a poster child for Libby cuz I do speak for Libby.Not for long John not for long.Note to you all: Children born and raised in a asbestos contaminated enviroment are MORE at risk of developing Meso. 90 % of the people in Libby John will die from Meso.90 % of all people in Libby.Say that over a few times.This is Dr.Whitehouse testimony that 90% of Libby HE diagnose with Plural will die from Meso…if something else don’t kill you first.This should wake you all up when you think about bringing your children and grand children to Libby.Now…down play this…

Comment from Gerry Heard of Libby
Time April 4, 2009 at 2:31 pm

: for general AP release:

Asbestos levels in Libby’s air are low enough that they don’t pose a significant cancer risk, according to a two-year study presented at Monday’s town hall meeting by the Environmental Protection Agency.
“The levels are much, much, much lower than when the mine was operating years ago,” Libby Team Leader Victor Ketellapper said during the meeting.
The Libby Asbestos Site’s annual project update served to inform the public on the agency’s long-term site strategies, as well as to take questions and talk about what has been accomplished so far. Three representatives, including Ketellapper, from the EPA’s Region 8 headquarters in Denver, Colo., were on hand, as well as Catherine LeCours of the Montana Department of Environmental Quality and Mike Cirian, the EPA’s onsite project manager.

The final draft of the results of Libby’s outdoor ambient air study was released Monday just in time for the meeting. The study took air samples from 18 locations in and around Libby, as well as additional reference samples in Helena and Eureka, from October 2006 to June 2008, to determine the levels of Libby amphibole.

Ketellapper told attendees that the risk of developing cancer from inhaling outdoor air in Libby is one in 1 million.

The EPA reported no statistically significant differences between Helena’s concentrations of Libby amphibole and Libby’s concentrations.

We are thrilled”, says local area resident Kim Spencer. “Its been a long time coming , and I glad to see the efforts of the EPA pay off”. Libby has been involved in a clean up effort by the EPA for the past 9 years. “its all winding down”, Bill Beshep says. “We are glad its almost over”.

Comment from Mike Crill Missoula,Mt
Time April 4, 2009 at 4:32 pm

Testimony at WR Grace trial. Everyone in Libby will die from asbestosis.
Libby Tremolite causes Meso.
90% of Libby diagnosed by Whitehouse with Plural will die from Meso.90%…I suggest all you sheeple stop listening to EPA.They are already in a world of trouble.There trial is next along with Libby. I wont care by then.Good huh!! With the trees in and around Libby no a issue I would think 530 million asbestos fibers in one gram of bark is enough to kill alot of people.Libby will never be safe for human habitate unless everyone is told the truth that exposure exists…everyday…every breathe.Keep the children away.Oh, and the 400 plus yards EPA replaced with deadly soil.and on and on and on.Bunch of sheeple….

Comment from neil nelson
Time April 4, 2009 at 5:28 pm

Hey Mike, I guess everyone thinks the tree’s are no problem.

Comment from Mike Crill Missoula,Mt
Time April 4, 2009 at 5:53 pm

Oh I know.Someone said the trees are good because they catch the asbestos fiber.DUH!!! 530 million fibers in one gram of bark.How would you test that one tree? No need.Just deadly…Then you log the deadly trees and burn in your stoves and out the chimney goes all those fibers not to mention what is in your house. If you people of Libby haven’t caught on by now, man… there just ain’t no hope. Thats why people need to stop moving to Libby. And Libby needs to stop lieing. Oh yah, and when Libby has it’s micro bursts, all in Libby is recontaminated and re exposed.Never be clean and safe Never.Keep the children away.

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Time April 4, 2009 at 9:50 pm

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Comment from Terry Trent
Time April 4, 2009 at 10:31 pm

Dear Gerry Heard – You may wish to pay a bit more attention to Mike Crill regarding your points below. I hope you are not suggesting you believed EPA? It is simply impossible that 9 years of clean up has done anything more than redistribute a minor portion of the Tremolite, from one place to the next, to be encountered at some future date by hapless human beings. By far the vast majority of the Tremolite fibers are still right there in Libby with you. Air measurements of the kind that EPA is relying on are useless information. Please see comment above under “Trial Recessed Until April 8th” for a sneak peek of why. Check with Clinton Maynard also. We have been laughing together for a little over two years now because Libby was nearing the $200 million dollar clean up mark. If you are aware, then you know that once EPA reaches the $200 + or -million mark, ANYWHERE, they either give up and move the town (at the State’s expense) or they pack up their bags and go home, no matter what the situation looks like!

The $200 million is not the only determining factor, but it is a thus far an extremely predictable one. The kind of air tests supplied by EPA measure absolutely nothing and when it comes to Tremolite fibers and never have. Additionally, there were NO air tests conducted in Libby years ago for EPA to be able to tell anyone that the air is much better today. No single reliable air test anywhere in Libby ever! They have absolutely no idea what they are talking about. There are also certain parameters in Physics at play here, that dictate that had they measured the air back then, at 18 random sites (away from construction/mining activities or milling or shipping of vermiculite) they would have exactly the same results that they have today. Wake up man! No single human being on this planet can determine a 1 in 1 million health risk for this fiber. They have never been able to determine that and most probably never will be able to.

Please God give me a break. Let one single student at University of Montana confirm the above information. Just one is all it would take I hope. And it may very well blow this entire circus tent off of EPA for all eternity and help countless Americans caught in the throws of a repeating cycle that shows no hope of ever truly ending.


PS: Gerry Hearn and Kim Spencer..Please tell me what you think might be most likely? That the people who sat back and watched Libby happen for nearly 38 years miraculously came to town and made it all better, by spending a low budget and cutting back on that budget constantly, in the brief time period of 9 years.? Or…..perhaps Libby isn’t as clean as they would like you to believe? What does your gut tell you? Does it tell you that the same people who lied to you all for 38 years suddenly became a stand up organization and have done their warm and fuzziest to make you all safe and sound? Please somebody somewhere explain to these people what is going on.

Comment from Mike Crill Missoula,Mt
Time April 22, 2009 at 10:51 pm

EPA has yet to cut all the trees with in a 20 mile radius that are contaminated with Tremolite asbestos fibers. One test by U of M found in a gram of bark, closest to the mine was 530 million tremolite asbestos fibers in one gram of bark. This exposure pathway can not be ignored because exposure and contamination occurs everyday from the trees.EVERYDAY. And who breathes these deadly fibers everyday??? In Libby Mt?..keep the kids away.Thank you

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