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Courtroom closed for jury instruction argument: Closings tomorrow

scalesthumbnail-copy.jpg Unfortunately, the media was not allowed to sit in on jury instruction argument this afternoon.  Judge Molloy called all of the remaining attorneys into chambers for about 20 minutes, and they emerged with what appeared to be a packet of jury instructions from the Court.  Molloy gave the attorneys fifteen minutes to review the instructions, and during this time the courtroom was closed to all viewers.  Beginning at 8:30 tomorrow morning, Molloy will read the jury instructions, followed by the prosecution’s closing arguments, a short lunch break, and the defense will begin its closing arguments after lunch.

Katy Furlong (posted 5:25 p.m.)


Comment from Mike Crill Missoula,Mt
Time May 5, 2009 at 5:11 pm

Now I lay me down to sleep,
Praise the Lord, my soul to take.
If I die before I wake/vertict
I beg the Lord, for a Guilty verdict for those who murdered me and my family and my friends and my town and my country and mankind. May you all rot in Hell……and you will.

Comment from Bryan
Time May 6, 2009 at 7:59 am

Judge not, lest you be judged, Mike.

Also, turn the other cheek. Accepting Christ gets you into heaven, repenting for your sins. Rejecting him is the way to hell, not operating a business or even doing wrong.

Comment from Mike Crill Missoula,Mt
Time May 6, 2009 at 8:17 am

But Bryan, when I meet my maker above, he will not look nor judge me by what I have done and not done. I will be welcomed when he looks at the bottom of my feet and see where I have walked…And that Bryan is better than anything this earth provides. I have done God’s work by saving his children and from the devel as we all deal with the devel everyday. But truth Bryan be it painful or reality…at the end of all days, I know what fork of the road awaits me and it sure ain’t with WR Grace…..Thanks for caring anyway. Stay away from Libby Mt. Oh such powerful words with so much meaning and truth. And He is listening….

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