Graduate Instructors and Students

Zita Ottersbach

Graduate Student Instructor


LA 339
Office Hours

By appointment, via zoom or in person (please follow this link to schedule a meeting: ).  




Personal Summary

Okii, niistoo niitanikoo Awakasiiaki, my name is Zita Ottersbach. I am from the Blackfeet Nation, in Browning, Montana, and am an enrolled member of the Little Shell Chippewa Cree Tribe. My husband and I have two wonderful children, and a beloved family dog, Griffin. I am a current graduate student and Graduate Student-Instructor (GTA) in the Department of Communication Studies at the University of Montana. I am pursuing a Masters degree in Communication Studies and a CPH-Public Health Generalist graduate certificate, focusing on Interpersonal Health Communication within Indigenous health contexts, expected to graduate in May of 2025. I earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Communication Studies, and a certificate in Health Communication from the University of Montana in 2023, and have a professional background in early childhood education and grant management. 

Small business owner. Entrepreneur. Creative professional connector. Strategic Planner.


Pursuing a Master of Arts in Communication Studies, with a focus in Interpersonal Health Communication in an Indigenous context, and a CPH-Public Health Generalist graduate certificate, expected graduation: May, 2025.

Bachelor of Arts, Communication Studies, 2023. 



Field of Study

Interpersonal Health Communication, Public Health. 


Honors / Awards

President's Outstanding Student Award, University of Montana (2023)

DEI Leadership and Service Award, Diversity Advisory Council, University of Montana (2022)