
The Rocky Mountain Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (RM-CESU) is a cooperative venture between 29 leading academic programs and NGOs in the Rocky Mountain Region and ten Federal Agencies. The University of Montana serves as host to the RM-CESU. The United States has been divided into 17 biogeographic regions, each served by a distinct CESU, with all regions connected in one National Network. The overriding goal of the CESU Network is to improve the scientific base for managing federal land by providing resource managers with high-quality research, technical assistance and education.

CESU Network Map

RM-CESU Resources

Administrative Documents Briefing Documents
RM-CESU Cooperative and Joint Venture Agreement 2019-2024
Amendment One - The Ember Alliance, Smithsonian Institution, and Wildlife Restoration Foundation
RM-CESU Cooperative and Joint Venture Agreement 2014-2019
      Amendment One-Boise State University and Western State Colorado University 
Amendment Two-Bureau of Indian Affairs, University of Denver, and Front Range Community College
RM-CESU Cooperative and Joint Venture Agreement 2009-2014 CESU Project Criteria
Amendment One - US FWS Fact Sheet
Amendment Two - Metropolitan State College Partner Roles and Responsibilities
Amendment Three - Little Big Horn College Partnership Criteria for Non-Federal Applicants
Amendment Four - University of Utah and Northwest College RM-CESU Slide Show

Amendment Five - Blackfeet Community College, Chief Dull Knife College, University of Waterloo, and Wildlife Conservation Society

National CESU Slide Show
RM-CESU Cooperative and Joint Venture Agreement 2004-2009
Amendment One - NRCS
Amendment Two - University of Northern Colorado
Amendment Three - University of Calgary
Amendment Four - US Army Corps of Engineers-Civil Works
Amendment 5 - the Department of Defense
RM-CESU Cooperative and Joint Ventures Agreement 1999 to 2004