CLPP begins

CLPP meeting
First CLPP meeting in May 2018

An NSF-funded [BCS-1800820] collaborative project awarded to the UM Linguistics Program and Chief Dull Knife College held its first meeting in May. The Collaborative Language Planning Project outcomes have the potential to implement indigenous ways of knowing into language documentation projects.

In addition to principal investigators Mizuki Miyashita and Susan Penfield of UM and Richard Littlebear of Chief Dull Knife College, other members include Irene Appelbaum and Leora Bar-el of UM and Alyce Sadongei of the American Indian Language Development Institute, as well as a number of participants from Montana tribal colleges.

CLPP organizing committee members presented the initial outcomes of the project at the Stabilizing Indigenous Languages Symposium at the University of Lethbridge in June 2018.