Noah Rummel-Lindig First to Receive BA in Linguistics 2020

Noah Rummel-Lindig
Noah Rummel-Lindig

Noah Rummel-Lindig was among the first UM undergraduates to receive a BA in Linguistics – a newly launched Major this year. A double major with Anthropology, Noah has been on the Dean’s list every semester and served as a College of Humanities & Sciences student ambassador. He was awarded four scholarships at UM: the Hammond Award for outstanding Montana High School students; the Rodrick Smith scholarship; the Jocelyn MacDonald Barker scholarship for anthropology students; and the Watkins Scholarship undergraduate research award, which gave him the opportunity to pursue a research project on dialectology in Montana. Supervised by Dr. Leora Bar-el, Noah presented the results of his project “Dialect Divisions in the Treasure State” at UMCUR 2020 and the 2020 Northwest Linguistics Conference (both of which were held on-line this year). In the Fall, Noah will begin graduate studies in Linguistics at the University of Victoria in Canada where he received both a Fellowship and Research Assistantship. The UM Linguistics Program congratulates Noah and the first cohort of Linguistics Majors to graduate from UM!