UM Faculty Member Appointed to Prestigious National Health Council

UM's Andrij Holian has been invited to serve on an influential National Advisory Environmental Health Sciences Council.

MISSOULA – Dr. Andrij Holian, a University of Montana professor of toxicology in the Department Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences and director of the Center for Environmental Health Sciences in the Skaggs School of Pharmacy, has been invited to serve on an influential National Advisory Environmental Health Sciences Council.

NAEHSC advises high-level federal government leaders such as the secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the director of the National Institutes of Health and the director of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences on research, training and other matters significant to meet national research goals.

In the announcement on Holian’s invitation to join the council, NIEHS acknowledged the UM professor’s outstanding scholarship, academic accomplishments and experienced leadership in the fields of toxicology, inflammation and the immune response, and signal transduction pathways in tissue injury.

“This appointment is a significant honor. Being able to contribute to setting research priorities and program balance at NIH is both exciting and daunting,” said Holian of his invitation. “This would not have been possible without the many exciting contributions of outstanding students and staff that I have had the privilege of working with at the UM Center for Environmental Health Sciences over the years.”

 “This is the first time anyone from UM has ever served on an NIH council that I can remember,” said Scott Whittenburg, UM vice president for research and creative scholarship. “Dr. Holian’s appointment is both a great honor for him and an important advancement for researchers at UM, as it provides us a seat at the table with the National Institutes of Health during discussions of NIH issues and funding priorities.”

Marketa Marvanova, dean of the Skaggs School of Pharmacy, said the school is “extremely proud” of this recognition given to Holian and the impact this appointment will make.

“This is a testament of his lifelong dedication to research, discovery and education in toxicology and environmental sciences and his great productivity over decades,” Marvanova said. “This is also a great testament to the quality, high-caliber research done by our faculty at the Skaggs School of Pharmacy, which has impacts both nationally and internationally.”


Contact: Scott Whittenburg, UM vice president for research and creative scholarship and dean of the Graduate School, 406-243-6670,