About SARC

Services Provided

SARC provides support for students impacted by identity-based harm. If a student has experienced dating/domestic violence, sexual violence, harassment, discrimination, or bias, SARC can offer support through advocacy and/or brief-counseling.

SARC also provides support to students who are “secondary survivors,” meaning friends, roommates, partners, or family members of someone who has experienced identity-based harm.

SARC services are free and confidential. SARC staff will not share any information that students share with us unless given express, written permission. The only exceptions to this are if there are safety concerns involving intent to harm self or others or incidents of child abuse. In these rare circumstances SARC will be transparent and honest about any safety concerns and potential obligations to take action.

Our Value Statement

We value people of all identities and support every individual’s right to pursue their education free of identity-based harm.  Violence and harm should not be tolerated in the UM community and we believe each of us have a role in preventing identity-based harm. When harm occurs, SARC is here to provide free and confidential support, resources, and referrals to any student who would like our assistance.


Conversations between students and SARC staff are confidential. Communication with SARC Advocates is similar to communicating with an attorney or a member of the clergy.

SARC Advocates cannot share any information about a client without that individual’s written permission.

Counseling services through SARC are also confidential. Information shared during counseling sessions will not be shared with any campus or community organization.


For additional information about confidentiality, or to ask specific questions, please email us at sarc@mso.umt.edu.