Report a Concern

Reporting a Concern: If you would like to talk with someone about a suspected legal, regulatory or policy concern, typically the first step is to talk with a supervisor. If you have a concern outside your unit, different UM offices respond to different issue areas; several of them are listed here. You may also make a report through the MUS Compliance Hotline which uses a third-party system to accept a report. The report then goes to the appropriate campus authority. An MUS compliance hotline report can be made anonymously. If you have questions, please contact the UM Director of Compliance and they can assist you in finding the best path; UM does not tolerate retaliation against individuals who report compliance concerns in good faith.

Contact Compliance Director and Legal Counsel

Jessica Weltman, Director of Compliance
159 Corbin Hall
406-243-3990 (direct)

Office of Legal Counsel

125 University Hall

Specific Offices and Resources

For reporting issues within specific areas of compliance at the university:

Discrimination and Harassment

Accessibility Barriers 

Clery Act and Crime Reporting 

BIT Referral Form: Help a student of concern 

Office of Community Standards Incident Report Form

MUS Compliance Hotline:


EthicsPoint - Montana University System

For UM policies, click here

For the Board of Regents policies, click here