Please Complete our UM Employee Experience Survey

October 20, 2023

Dear Colleagues: 

I invite you to take 10-15 minutes to complete this year’s Employee Experience survey. The survey is voluntary and confidential and helps us to more intentionally design a supportive, inclusive, and empowering campus culture. We will not trace responses back to individuals.  

Working in public higher education is meaningful but taxing work. Here at UM, we work hard to meet the needs of and serve others, and this important work should be sustained by a workplace culture that supports us in return.  
Primary in our effort to sustain a healthy UM culture is the imperative that leaders at all levels understand our employees’ actual experiences and needs. This empathic understanding is foundational to building a healthy workplace culture. 

This is why we administer the UM Employee Experience Survey every other year. Through this survey, we gather valuable feedback, allowing us to identify needs, shape actions, and track our progress toward creating a campus of engaged and empowered employees. 

Your candid responses will help us better understand the factors that most directly impact and influence our individual departments’ cultures, as well as our broader institutional workplace culture, allowing us to make deliberate, positive changes moving forward.  

Please be assured that the survey link provided below is a legitimate request for your feedback. You can find information about the survey on Griz Hub news. 

Follow this link to the Survey:
Take the Survey

I invite everyone to take this opportunity to share your honest feedback. Thank you, in advance, for your participation. Please contact Jasmine Zink Laine, if you have any questions. 
