FAQ related to fall 2021 instruction

Dear Colleagues,

Today’s update features a set of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) developed by the COVID Response Team, UM’s Legal team, and the Instructional Planning Group. I’d like to express my deep gratitude to Nathan Lindsay, Vice Provost for Academic Affairs, Zach Scott, Associate Legal Counsel, and Paula Short, Associate Vice President, Campus Operations, Preparedness and Response for leading efforts to develop the following guidance.


FAQ related to fall 2021 instruction

  1. In relation to COVID-19, where can I find general guidance about Fall 2021 instructional plans?

These guidelines are outlined on the Deliver Quality Instruction webpage of the UM COVID Operation Plan.

  1. Are masks required in classrooms and academic laboratory spaces?

Yes. Mask use is required, regardless of vaccine status, in all UM classrooms and academic laboratories, including computer labs. All faculty members should announce this requirement to their students on the first day of class and include a reminder in the course syllabus.

  1. Are masks required in any other spaces at UM?

UM is asking everyone to wear masks in all indoor public spaces on campus. There are some additional areas, beyond classrooms and labs spaces, which require masks. There will be signs to indicate areas where masks are required.

4: Can I require others to wear a mask while in my personal office?

Yes. Personal offices, while UM property, are not publicly accessible spaces. An office holder may refuse entry to a person that has declined a polite request to wear a mask in such spaces. An office holder may not, however, require others that share office common spaces (e.g., an office suite) to wear a mask. UM recommends that faculty keeping student office hours set such expectations with their students early in the semester, preferably by incorporation into the syllabus. Faculty should be sure to include options for alternative plans (i.e. Zoom appointments, meeting outside or in other spaces) to ensure students can still meet with faculty.

  1. As a faculty member, do I have the authority to waive the mask requirement in my classroom or lab?

No. A faculty member may not waive the mask requirement unless there is a bona fide reason that masking will interfere with the provision or quality of the academic lesson or experience. In such cases, the faculty member should limit the period of time that masks are not used to the minimum necessary to achieve the instructional goal.

  1. How long will this masking requirement remain in effect?

The indoor masking requirement described above will remain in place until at least September 20, at which point the need for further, or reduced, mitigation practices will be re-assessed in collaboration with local public health officials and UM’s COVID-19 Response Team (CRT).

  1. Should we anticipate social distancing protocols and, if so, how will they differ from past recommendations?

No. Formal social distancing protocols will not be utilized this semester. However, if there is additional seating in a classroom, students can be encouraged to sit farther apart from one another.

  1. Do I need to have a seating chart and keep class attendance?

Yes, where maintaining consistent distancing of 6 feet or more is not possible, seating charts and keeping attendance are necessary for contact tracing purposes.

  1. Is the COVID-19 guidance to faculty teaching large classes (i.e., more than 50 students) different from the guidance regarding smaller seminars or classes?

No. COVID-19 instructional guidance for classrooms is the same, regardless of the size of the class.

  1. Do I have the discretion to change the modality of my course?

No. Faculty members must work with their dean to determine if a change in course modality is appropriate.

  1. What is the procedure for seeking ADA-related teaching/working accommodations?

As shared earlier this summer, all telecommuting agreements (including those not related to or resulting from COVID-19) must be updated using a new form available on the HRS website that requires annual evaluation and renewal. Employees must work with their supervisor to complete a new form if their work location will continue to include a remote location. Requests or questions regarding reasonable accommodations should be directed to Human Resource Services.

  1. Am I required to provide accommodations for students who request (or cannot attend) a face-to-face class?
  • As UM returns primarily to face-to-face classes, it’s anticipated that most students will be attending classes in person. If a student requires a COVID-related accommodation in order to safely attend, they should be referred to the Office of Disability Equity (ODE) (formerly Disability Services for Students). ODE will work with the student and their advisor on a case-by-case basis.
  • The feasibility of providing a Zoom link for a face-to-face class will depend upon the technology in the classroom, as well as the instructional nature of the class.  Faculty are not required to provide a Zoom link for an in-person class, but should find an appropriate way to share instructional materials with student who have accommodations, using Moodle, for example. (Every course this semester has a Moodle shell.) Faculty are encouraged to be flexible and accommodating.
  • If you choose to record a class using any technology (Zoom, audio, etc.) you must notify students that a recording is taking place.
  1. Do I need to provide support for students who are in quarantine and isolation?

Yes. Just as you would pre-COVID, for any student who needs to miss class for a medically-related reason, it will be important to work with the student on how best to help them stay current in class and make up any missed assignments, tests, etc.

  1. Am I allowed to ask students or colleagues if they are vaccinated?

No. Please refrain from asking about others’ vaccination status. All people have a right to keep their personal medical information, including vaccination status, private.

  1. Is there syllabus language about COVID-19 I should share with students?

In an effort to communicate expectations and important safety messages to students returning to the classroom, the following important information should be communicated to in-person students on the first day of fall class.  This information can also be included in course syllabi. Please note the bullets below are written with a student audience in mind (the “you” being students):

  • Mask use is required within the classroom or laboratory.
  • If you feel sick and/or are exhibiting COVID-19 symptoms, please don’t come to class and contact the Curry Health Center at (406) 243-4330.
  • If you are required to isolate or quarantine, you will receive support in the class to ensure continued academic progress. (Add specific information about how you, as the instructor, will continue providing course materials to students in quarantine or isolation.)
  • (If instructors are comfortable sharing or including this) UM recommends students get the COVID-19 vaccine. Please direct your questions or concerns about vaccines to Curry Health Center.
  • Where social distancing (maintaining consistent 6 feet between individuals) is not possible, specific seating arrangements will be used to support contact tracing efforts.
  • Class attendance and seating will be recorded to support contact tracing efforts.
  • Drinking liquids and eating food is discouraged within the classroom.
  • (If applicable) Mask use is required in vehicles when traveling to field sites as part of class/fieldwork.
  • (If applicable) Please note this class is being recorded. Notifying students is a requirement if this is the case.


Please be advised that the guidance provided in these updates may change or appear to be contradictory from week to week; we’ll always base the information we provide on the most current guidance from the Missoula City-County Health Department (MCCHD) and CDC. In addition to these email updates, please visit the UM Coronavirus website for updated information. For the official guidance on instruction, please visit the Deliver Quality Instruction portion of the COVID Operations Plan for 2021.

We acknowledge that there are still many variables at play in the health trends and recommended practices in our state, region and country. We will continue to work closely with public health officials to monitor the situation and adjust as needed. If you have questions, please contact me at officeoftheprovost@umontana.edu.


Reed Humphrey, Acting Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs


This message was sent by the Office of the Provost to all UM faculty, staff, and administrators.