Preparing for Spring Semester 2022

Dear colleagues,

It is my sincere hope that you enjoyed some rest and relaxation over the holidays. January is all about preparing for the year ahead, and at UM, we face a fresh set of challenges and opportunities as a campus and community. As we look forward to spring semester, I’d like to share information about how the University plans, at present, to mitigate risk as COVID cases rise in Missoula County.

The information provided in this email is subject to change as our COVID Response Team (CRT) monitors the data and guidelines, and makes recommendations based on science and public health policy. As students return from winter break and we prepare for classes to start January 18, we commit to providing you with accurate information in a timely manner. Please read this message and all future messages sent by the Office of the Provost and the CRT.

UM’s approach to instruction this spring semester will be the same as last fall:

  • Masks will continue to be required indoors. For more detailed information, please see UM’s guidelines for the enforcement of masks in classrooms and labs.
  • As a campus and as a system, we remain committed to in-person instruction. As in the fall, instructors needing to teach remotely should consult their dean to develop a plan that optimizes the student experience and learning outcomes.
  • Employees working remotely should follow UM’s telecommuting procedure.  
  • Furniture in classrooms and labs should not be re-arranged.
  • Classrooms and labs will be cleaned with Oxivir daily.
  • Faculty and staff are encouraged to identify a colleague who can serve as a back-up, in case they cannot teach or come to work.
  • After the course add/drop deadline has passed, instructors will be asked to provide classroom seating chart information for Missoula County-City Health Department contact tracing purposes. We are sensitive to the relative benefits afforded by this practice, and appreciate your efforts in providing this information to the Registrar’s Office.

The CRT shared new information in its campus communication last Friday. I’d like to place a special emphasis on the request to stay home if you feel sick. Most employees, including faculty, earn paid sick leave and now is the time to use it.

I welcome your questions and feedback about instruction in spring semester. Please share your thoughts with me at


Reed Humphrey, Acting Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs

This message was sent by the Office of the Provost to all UM faculty, staff, graduate students, and administrators.