Sustainable Swaps for the Winter Holiday Season

presents wrapped in brown paper with decorations scattered around

Winter has descended upon us and with it... WINTER HOLIDAYS! Spending time with family, eating really good food, and spending some much-needed time out of class. It is a time of warmth, joy, and togetherness. However, winter holidays are also a time when consumerism and excessiveness can take a toll on our planet. We see a general trend of increased energy consumption, waste generation, and carbon emissions during the winter holiday season. So, we’ve compiled a list of sustainable swaps and eco-friendly choices that you can integrate during your winter holiday season to do your part to help the planet!

1. Eco-friendly Gift Giving

Both giving and receiving gifts are some of the best parts of the holiday season! But lots of gifts are not to make this tradition fit with your sustainable goals, try some of these gift ideas!

  • Gift experiences rather than material items! Concert tickets, day trips, and local classes are all great ideas.
  • Choose eco-friendly gifts! Who wouldn’t love a new reusable water bottle or a set of shampoo and conditioner bars?
  • Shop locally for your gifts. This reduces the carbon footprint associated with shipping.

2. Energy-efficient decorations 

Contrary to what some think, holiday decorations can be both beautiful and sustainable. Reduce decoration waste and save some electricity as well! Consider switching from normal lights to LED lights for your decorations. These lightbulbs not only use less electricity but also last longer. Another way to decorate your home is with natural décor like fir branches, pinecones, and holly! All these decorations can be composted after use.  

3. Christmas Tree Alternatives 

No one can deny the beauty of a real Christmas tree covered in twinkling lights, tinsel, and ornaments. But here are a couple of options to make your tree a little more eco-friendly! 

  • Choose a potted tree that can be planted in your backyard after use or look into renting a tree from a local nursery. 
  • If vacuuming up pine needles isn’t really your thing, look into getting a high-quality reuseable tree that can be used for years to come! 
  • If you do go for a real tree, ensure that you dispose of or recycle it properly in order to reduce waste. 

4. Mindful Travel and Transportation 

Going home to visit family and loved ones is one of the best parts of the holiday season, especially when it means you get to get away from campus for a little while, but here are some eco-conscious choices to look into before you start your travels! First, think about carpooling or taking public transportation to reach your destination. Not only does this reduce your carbon emissions, but it also reduces the number of vehicles and traffic on the road and saves you a little bit of money! Something that goes along with that is opting for transportation vehicles that are more eco-friendly. If possible, carpool with someone who drives an electric or hybrid vehicle to reduce your carbon footprint even more. Lastly, if possible, consider exploring local winter destinations and plan a staycation if your family is close by. All of these sustainable swaps help reduce your carbon emissions during this time of year! 

5. Reduce Single-Use Items 

Now this sustainable swap of reducing single-use items is probably the easiest to make your holiday gatherings more sustainable and can actually be implemented year-round! Consider some of these ideas and alternatives. 

  • Invest in reusable tableware, utensils, and napkins to use at all of your parties and gatherings! 
  • Choose to wrap gifts in eco-friendly wrapping options, such as cloth, reusable gift bags, or recycled paper! 
  • Minimize single-use decorations and opt for décor that can be reused or repurposed for future celebrations.  

The holiday season is a time to be grateful for everything in our lives and give back, so let’s join together this holiday season and give thanks to our planet by implementing some of these sustainable swaps. Remember, small changes can come together to make a big difference and by embracing these sustainable choices, we create a greener, more joyful holiday season!