Helpful Tips for Riding the Bus

a photo of the back of multiple peoples heads while riding the bus
People sit while riding the bus. Photo by Mitchell Johnson.

Riding the bus for the first time can be an exciting and slightly nerve-wracking experience. Whether you're commuting to school or work or exploring Missoula, our UDASH buses are a convenient mode of transportation. To make your bus ride smooth and stress-free, we have provided some tips to keep in mind.

Plan Ahead: Before you embark on your bus adventure, take some time to plan your route. The best way to do this is by downloading the Transit App. You can see all of our routes (and Mountain Line's), plan your trip, track the bus, and find the correct stop to board/unboard. Familiarize yourself with the stops and landmarks along the way to gauge how close you are to your destination. We always recommend leaving a couple minutes before the app dictates, just in case.

Signal the Driver: GET OFF YOUR PHONE AND STAND UP! When you see your bus approaching, make sure to signal the driver by raising your hand or waving. This lets them know that you intend to board. If you're unsure, you can also make eye contact with the driver to ensure they see you. If you are sitting down or look unattentive, the bus driver will go by you. We share stops with multiple lines, so if you're not looking like you are going to board, the driver will assume you're just waiting for another bus.

Boarding the Bus: As the bus arrives, wait for it to come to a complete stop before approaching the doors. Allow passengers to exit before you board. If there's a line, respect the order and wait your turn.

Check the Route and Stops: Once you're on the bus, keep an eye on the route and the stops. Some buses might announce stops verbally or display them on screens, while others might not. It's helpful to know where you are along the route. If you're using the Transit App and have headphones in, it will alert you before you should get off. 

Secure Your Belongings: Buses can be crowded and might make sudden stops. Make sure your belongings are secure and won't fall or slide around. If you have a backpack or bag, consider holding it in your lap or placing it at your feet.

Requesting a Stop: If your destination is approaching, signal the driver in advance by pulling the cord to request a stop. The bus will not stop unless someone on board requests it, so don't hesitate to indicate your intention to disembark.

Be Courteous: Bus rides are a shared experience, so be considerate of your fellow passengers. Keep your conversations at a reasonable volume, avoid taking up extra seats with belongings, and give up your seat to elderly, disabled, or pregnant passengers if needed.

Stay Safe: While bus rides are generally safe, it's always wise to be cautious. If you're traveling at night or in an unfamiliar area, sit closer to the driver or in well-lit areas. Be aware of your surroundings and keep your personal belongings secure.

Remember, everyone was a first-time bus rider at some point. By following these basic tips and being prepared, you'll be well-equipped to have a successful and enjoyable bus ride.

Click on the video below to watch a tutorial of how to ride the bus, courtesy of Mountain Line!

screenshot of Mountain Line Video from Youtube, person is smiling while standing in front of the bus