Winter Warriors: Commuting Sustainably In the Winter

bike in the snow as it is snowing
A lone bike sits in the snow.

Well... it's official, winter is here. Missoula is facing the snow and ice and not turning back, so neither will we. But with this picturesque winter wonderland comes a new set of challenges when it comes to commuting sustainably to campus. Winter is a time when our carbon footprint usually increases. Temperatures are colder, so we are more prone to cranking the heat. Our gas-powered vehicles need extra time to warm up in the morning, so we leave them running longer. And worst of all, winter comes with the connotation that it is harder to commute sustainably in the chilly weather. Fortunately, navigating to and from UM in the winter doesn’t have to be a treacherous journey, an environmental challenge, or a logistical nightmare. Actually, getting outside by walking or biking to school every day in the winter can actually help you combat seasonal sadness! Together, we will explore all the “How-to's” on commuting sustainably in the winter months in Missoula.  

1. Public Transportation 

One of the best things about Missoula is its two fare-free bus systems. UDASH is operated by the ASUM Transportation Office and services all the major student living areas including Lewis & Clark, University Villages, ROAM, Sawyer Student Living, and even Missoula College. The UDASH bus routes run every 20-30 minutes and run all day Monday through Friday. The City of Missoula bus system, Mountain Line, serves the rest of the city through 14 different routes. Almost anywhere you are, there is a way for you to get where you need to go using public transportation. Here are some good tips for minimizing your time standing outside and staying warm while riding the bus.  

  • Download the “Transit” app to see when are where your bus will arrive. 
  • Use the “Transit” app destination feature to see when you need to leave to arrive at the bus stop without having to wait more than a few minutes for the bus.  
  • Wear warm layers while walking to the bus stop  

Remember that winter weather brings frightening driving conditions, but all bus drivers are trained and licensed to drive in these conditions. Not only is riding the bus a more sustainable commuting option, but it can also be the safer one during the winter months!

2. Carpooling

We understand that life gets in the way and sometimes taking the bus isn’t always the most logical scenario. Sometimes driving is the only option to get you from point A to point B; but if that is the case, carpooling is a great option to consider. Even if you just have one extra person in the car, carpooling and rideshare programs are a great way to reduce the number of single-occupancy vehicles on the road. Not only does this reduce traffic congestion around the University District and ease the hassle of finding a parking spot on campus, but carpooling can save you money in multiple different ways. So, the next time you are about to brave the cold to get in your car and drive to school, think about any of your friends who may be commuting at the same time and offer them a ride. Another plus about carpooling at the University of Montana is that if you find yourself carpooling regularly, we offer a “carpool” parking pass if you fit certain criteria and it is much cheaper than the regular parking pass! 

3. Winter weather biking and walking 

Just because it is cold outside, and the roads are icy, doesn’t mean that you have to stop biking or walking to school. All you need is a little preparation! Bikers need to make sure that everything on their bike is in tip-top shape to withstand the cold weather. You can also consider adding winter tires, studs, and/or fenders. If maintenance is needed, cyclists are always welcome to bring their bikes to UM Transportation Bike Hours in the Bus Garage. Every week on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 3 – 5 p.m., there will be a bike mechanic to help you with any issues you may be having! 

Whether you are biking or walking to campus in the winter, the most important thing is that you dress warmly. I have provided a list of essentials below: 

  • Insulated jacket 
  • Waterproof shoes/boots 
  • Hat or beanie  
  • Mittens or Gloves
  • Sunglasses or snow goggles 
  • Reflective clothing and/or bike lights 

By making sure to prepare for your commute using this list, you are ensuring not only that you stay warm but are also seen by traffic in case the visibility is low. These tips and tricks will make walking or biking to UM a breeze in the winter, while also helping to lower your carbon footprint.  

Just because the seasons are changing doesn’t mean our habits also have to change! Winter commuting in Missoula can be both sustainable and enjoyable. By choosing public transportation options that are eco-friendly and preparing for winter conditions, you can significantly reduce your environmental impact while saving money and increasing overall campus sustainability! Embrace your winter commute by following some of these tips and tricks and become a winter warrior of sustainability at the University of Montana!