Our Policies

Tutoring Limits Per Week

Students can sign up for 60 minutes of by-appointment tutoring per week.

Recurring Appointments

Consultants can help students schedule recurring appointments when students need consistent support or are working on an on-going project such as a capstone, term paper, thesis or dissertation. Students must speak to their Writing and Public Speaking Center consultant or email writingcenter@umontana.edu to schedule a recurring appointment.

Late Arrivals and No-Shows

Students more than ten minutes late for an appointment will be marked as a no-show and the appointment may be given to another student. If three scheduled appointments are missed, the student loses their right to make appointments for the remainder of the current semester. These students may contact Director Shareen Grogan to make a case for reinstating their ability to schedule appointments.


Students are asked to cancel appointments using the online scheduler as soon as they become aware that they will miss a scheduled appointment. Students are discouraged from waiting until the last minute to cancel their appointments, but are not penalized for cancellations that occur prior to the appointment start time.