Invitation to Contribute to UM Sustainability Initiatives


Dear Colleagues,

As we celebrate Earth Week, I want to share an opportunity to support through payroll deduction two important UM sustainability initiatives. 

  • UM Recycling: UM Recycling collects and processes about one half ton of materials a day. The cumulative effect over the past 15 years is equivalent to saving 24,000 trees and 82 million BTUs of energy; enough to power more than 750 homes for a year. UM Recycling has also cut waterborne pollution by 12 tons and mitigated air pollution in Missoula to the same degree as removing 1,700 cars from the road. Just two staff and two student recycling employees make this possible.
  • Kless Revolving Energy Loan Fund (KRELF): KRELF was created to finance UM student-initiated resource conservation, waste reduction and environmental projects and proposals. The program has funded over 65 projects. This includes water bottle filling stations, smart meters, solar panels, and a variety of other projects that have provided over $30,000 in annual energy savings and improved UM’s sustainability culture.

Both of these programs are almost completely student-funded but can use our support. Payroll deduction of any amount is one way to support these programs and help grow UM’s sustainability efforts. The Office of the President will match the total campus contributions from our staff, faculty, and administrators for each of these programs, up to $1,000 per year.  

Your signature is required, so please print, complete, sign, and send the form via campus mail to Human Resource Services. Be sure to write "UM Recycling" or “Sustainability” in the "Deduction Name" line at the bottom of the form. 

We you will consider joining our students in supporting these campus sustainability programs.  Thank you!
