Agenda, April 5, 2019

Discuss flagged sections/language from our March 15th meeting (see below)

Below is a list of sections/language that at least one task force member flagged as in need of clarification and/or further discussion:

  • 510 Section 1 and 18.520 Section 1: how is “the formula” defined?
  • 510 Section 1 and 18.520 Section 1: 15 faculty FTE vs. 20 faculty FTE  
  • 510 Section 2: how is ratio determined? should years identified “1975-1976” be removed?
  • 530, paragraph 2: “any unit affected” – how is this determined and how is unit defined?
  • 530 Section 1: what is the Affirmative Action Plan?
  • 530 Section 1: “full-time equivalent service”
  • 530 Section 2: how is “in the same discipline” defined?
  • 530 Section 3: who determines “qualifications”
  • 530 Section 5: is 2 years too short?
  • 530 Section 6: does minimum 12 months need clarification

Other issues/questions:

  •  Should 18.6-18.9 be discussed by this task force?
  • Section 18.700: “succeeding academic year, or April 15” (issue about when contracts go out)
  • Section 18.700: value of keeping in “reasons stated for resignation”
  • Section 18.900: if retrenchment applies only to tenured faculty, how does this section relate? what is the context of this section
  • Recurring question: how is “unit” defined? The answer bears on how “termination shall be in reverse order…” is determined.