After an Intake Appointment

After your (or your child's) intake, the clinician will write a brief report that will be used to summarize the intake consultation session(s) for his or her supervisor, and to determine whether we can meet your (or your child's) needs at the CPC. Occasionally, we will refer an intake client elsewhere if we believe that another provider or facility will be a better "match" for a client's needs.

Within 7-10 days, your (or your child's) intake clinician will call to set up your (or your child's) initial psychotherapy or intervention appointment. The clinician who conducted your (or your child's) intake will usually continue to work with you (or your child), but occasionally, a different clinician will be assigned to you (or your child) for treatment. Once established, your (or your child's) appointments will run for approximately 45-60 minutes.