Political Ideas

ASUM-Recognized Clubs

or the most up to date contact information for the student groups listed below, please visit the ASUM Student Group Listing.

Advocates for Non-Violence

Purpose: provide a safe and inclusive space to create awareness and discuss violence prevention within the community.

College Democrats

Purpose: To promote progressive politics on campus, as well as working toward the election of Democratic candidates.

College Republicans

Purpose: Promote Republican ideals and influence in politics; advance Republican initiatives in and around Missoula County, and the State of Montana. We provide a means for the recruitment and development of volunteers involved in campaigns and activities.

Criminal Law Group

Purpose: Strives to provide students interested in criminal law a chance to develop a greater understanding of the challenges and rewards of criminal prosecution and criminal defense. Seeks to educate the student body and the public about the strengths and shortfalls of the criminal justice system including contemporary, contentious issues in criminal law. Provides insight to the details of the practice of criminal law and offers significant opportunities to network with professionals currently practicing in the field.

Forward Montana Foundation

Purpose: To organize young people through voter registration, voter education, and voter mobilization.

National Lawyers Guild

Purpose: The NLG-UM Chapter exists as a branch of the NLG, a national organization committed to enforcing civil rights by providing knowledge, legal advice, and legal representation to those suppressed by governmental agencies, such as progressive social justice advocates or marginalized populations in the United States.