Our Faculty

John Hunt



Liberal Arts 127
(406) 243-5352
Office Hours

Tuesday 1:00-2:00; Thursday 3:30-5:00 & by appointment



B.A. in English, Williams College, 1976.

M.A. in English, Stanford University, 1977.

Ph.D. in English, Stanford University, 1984.

Courses Taught

In addition to the works of Joyce, I teach classes in the literature of the English Renaissance, particularly Shakespeare (most of the plays and poems, at different times) and the "metaphysical" poets (John Donne, George Herbert, Andrew Marvell, and others). I teach some medieval literature, including Dante's works in English translation (but with regular attention to the Italian originals). I also have taught several classes studying the influences on later writers of the Roman poet Ovid. Many of my classes provide optional, out-of-class opportunities for reading texts aloud and discussing them further.

Research Interests

I am the author of The Joyce Project (www.joyceproject.com), a developing multimedia hypertext of James Joyce's monumental novel Ulysses. Users of the site can scroll through the novel's 18 chapters and clink on links that take them to windows containing explanatory notes supplemented with photographs, maps, music, and other relevant audio-visual material. The notes point to other notes and to related details in far-off parts of the novel, encouraging users to perform the kinds of non-linear, highly connective reading that Joyce requires.

Honors / Awards

Phi Beta Kappa, Williams College, 1975.

Mellon postdoctoral fellowship, University of Rochester, 1985-86.


Skiing, hiking, canoeing, cycling, singing, woodworking, gardening, playgoing.