
Donald W. Hyndman

Ph.D. University of California, Berkeley, 1964



Personal Summary

My approach to igneous petrology involves integration of field, petrographic, and chemical data with the metamorphic and regional tectonic environment.

Origin and evolution of granitic batholiths including Idaho batholith.
Tectonic/structural environments for granitic batholiths.

The role of mafic dikes in formation of granite batholiths.

Major mylonite zones associated with batholiths and associated rocks.

High-potassium alkalic rocks, including Central Montana High-Potassium Province.
Radial dikes and laccoliths in volcanic environments.
Natural hazards and disasters.


Ph.D., University of California (Berkeley), 1964

Research Interests

Granitic batholiths including Idaho batholith.
Geological hazards and disasters.
Tectonic/structural environments for granitic batholiths.
High-potassium alkalic rocks, including Central Montana High-Potassium Province.
Basin-scale basaltic sills, including giant Proterozoic sills of the Belt basin.
Magma differentiation and mixing.
Major mylonite zones in high-grade rocks.

Selected Publications

A few representative publications:


Hyndman, D.W. and D. Hyndman, 2017, Natural Hazards and Disasters, 5th Edition, Brooks/Cole, Cengage Learning, 570 p.

Hyndman, D.W., 1985, Petrology of Igneous and Metamorphic Rocks, 2nd ed., McGraw Hill Book Co., 786 p.


Books for the public:

Hyndman, D.W. and R. Thomas, 2018, Roadside Geology of Montana, 2nd ed.

Alt D. and D.W. Hyndman, 1983, Roadside Geology of Montana, Mountain Press Publ. Co. This was the original book in a state by state series of 6, by Dave and Don, including Idaho, Washington, Oregon, Northern (and later, Central) California, and Hawaii (Hyndman and Hazlett). The series by additional authors now covers more than 35 states. Alt D. and D.W. Hyndman, 1995, Northwest Exposures, A Geologic Story of the Northwest: Mountain Press Publ. Co., 442 p.


Example Professional papers:

Foster, D.A., C. Schafer, C.M. Fanning, D.W. Hyndman, 2001, Relationships between crustal partial melting, plutonism, orogeny, and exhumation: Idaho-Bitterroot batholiths: Tectonophysics, v. 342,p. 313-350. Tureck-Schwartz, K. and D.W. Hyndman, 1991, High-potassium igneous rocks of the Bearpaw Mountains, North-Central Montana, Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology, Special Publ. 100, p. 111-120. Foster, D.A. and D.W. Hyndman, 1990, Magma mixing between synplutonic mafic dikes and granite, Idaho batholith, central Idaho and western Montana, in J.L. Anderson, editor, The Nature and Origin of Cordilleran Magmatism: Geological Society of America Memoir 174, p. 347-358. Hyndman, D.W., D. Alt, and J.W. Sears, 1989, Post-Archean metamorphic and tectonic evolution of western Montana and northern Idaho, in W.G. Ernst, editor, Metamorphism and crustal evolution of the Western United States: Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J., p. 332-361. Hyndman, D.W. and D. Alt, 1987, Radial dikes, laccoliths, and gelatin models, Journal of Geology, vol. 95, p. 763-774.