

The LoadDef software suite provides end-to-end modeling of Earth deformation caused by surface mass loading. From an input model for radially heterogeneous, elastic Earth structure (or the structure for another planetary body), LoadDef computes load Love numbers and load Green's functions. The load Green's functions may then be convolved with local- to global-scale load models to compute the predicted surface displacement at any geographic location. LoadDef can also compute tidal/potential Love numbers and shear Love numbers as well as the derivatives of Love numbers with respect to the elastic moduli and density. The software is written in Python and MPI compatible. The LoadDef software stemmed from my PhD work at Caltech, and will continue to be refined and expanded over time to meet new needs and applications. I welcome feedback on the software as well as discussions about specific applications. 

If you are interested in learning more about LoadDef, please see our open-access publication in Earth and Space Science:

Martens, H.R., Rivera, L., & Simons, M. (2019). LoadDef: A Python-based toolkit to model elastic deformation caused by surface mass loading on spherically symmetric bodies. Earth and Space Science, 6.

The LoadDef software (including updated releases) may be downloaded from GitHub:

Access LoadDef Software on GitHub

I hope that you will find the LoadDef software suite useful and accessible for your academic research or teaching endeavors. Please don't hesitate to reach out with any questions. Feedback is most welcome. My contact information may be found below. Thanks!