Sample Proposals

Many federal agencies make successful proposals available to researchers.  A selection of these is contained below. Note that each sample proposal link will open a .pdf document.  

National Endowment for the Humanities

The National Endowment for the Humanities typically provides 3-4 sample proposals for each funding opportunity. The following are links to samples provided by NEH.  

This list is a just a small selection of the samples which NEH makes available.  Please visit the NEH program pages directly to access additional sample proposals.

National Institutes of Health

Within the National Institutes of Health, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) provides a wide range of sample applications and summary statements.  TThe NIAID website has samples for the following:

National Science Foundation

While NSF does not publish funded proposals online, there are universities and individuals that do.  Please visit the following sites for samples.

  • NSF Cultural Anthropology Samples:  Dr. John Bunce provides a 2011 rejected proposal, along with the reviewer's comments and panel summary for that year.  He then provides the 2012 successful proposal with the comments and panel summary.  This is a wonderful resource that demonstrates how someone successfully responded to reviewer's comments.  
  • NSF Earth Science Samples:  Teach the Earth provides a number of successful earth science proposals available to the public.

U.S. Department of Education

The Department of Education provides access to a variety of information, including successful grant applications in their Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Reading Room.  The selection below was taken directly from their website.

In addition to these resources, the Office of Innovation and Improvement (OII) provides a wealth of information related to funded grant applications.  They provide links to proposal abstracts, applications, and even reviewers' comments.  This great resource can be accessed by visiting OII's "What We Do" page.  From here, select a specific program area (for example, "Investing in Innovation (i3)").  Once you are on the program-specific page, select "Awards" from the box on the right hand side of the page.  From here you may download abstracts, applications, and reviewers' comments for the program area you have selected.  If you have any questions about accessing this extensive resource, please contact UM's research development office.

Other Sample Proposals

If you are seeking a copy of a successful proposal from a funding opportunity not listed here, please contact Katherine Swan.  She will work with you to procure a relevant sample, if possible.