Private Tutors

Private vs. Group Tutoring

Private Tutoring

  • Flexible with schedules and convenient.
  • Focused, individual attention.
  • You pick the tutor.
  • Cost can be high.

Group Tutoring

  • Free (Math Learning Center, TRIO Student Support Services, Learning Center at Missoula College, Study Jam).
  • Tutors have been pre-screened through the hiring process.
  • Busy with less time for individual attention.
  • A community of learners with opportunities to form study groups.
  • UM-sponsored tutors are recommended by faculty from the classes they are tutoring.
  • Good communication with the instructional faculty.
  • Consistent hours and supervision.

Finding Private Tutors

Students interested in finding private, one-to-one or small group tutors may consider some of the following strategies. 

Try other sessions.

Student utilization of tutoring services varies. Some hours are busy and others are silent. If a session feels too big, ask the tutor if they offer other sessions or when might be a good, quiet time to come in for more individual help.

Ask instructors and TAs for recommendations. 

They might know a graduate student who just wants to brush up on the material who will tutor for free or they may recommend some other departmental resources. Some departments start small peer (student to student) tutoring programs to help with extra challenging courses or keep a list of students who did very well in the class previously.  

Check with your academic advisor.

Similar to the instructional faculty and TAs, departmental advisors may also have a list of students who expressed interest in tutoring. They might also be able to help you identify a low-cost tutoring option through one of the UM-sponsored tutoring services.

Look for tutor listings on department websites or near their main offices.

Departments support their students by allowing them to post homemade flyers advertising tutoring services. This might be a great option at the start of the semester while they are still taking new students.

Utilize the "Tutoring Board" on the UM App.

The UM App hosts the "Tutoring Board" which allows students to both request and advertise private tutoring services. You can always log into the UM app on the web at

Check with current tutors.

Many UM-employed tutors also tutor privately on the side. Their rates vary, but they have also been screened through the hiring process. Swing into their normal tutoring hours and see if you would work well with that individual. If so, ask them if they would work with you outside their regular hours or if they know of any friends who also tutor.