Emeritus Faculty

James Scott

Professor Emeritus, Classics



Personal Summary

Having grown up in the Chicago area and later in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan near the shores of Lake Superior, I traveled west to the mountains in search of more cold and snow, which I didn't find. Nevertheless, I have made my family and career in this lovely state. After 10 years of high school teaching, I finished my PhD in Classics, and, Deo gratias, found an adjunct professorship at The University of Montana. Twenty-six years later and a tenured professor,  I am  retired. My wife and I have in Bigfork (MT) a small hobby farm, populated by horses, sheep, donkeys, walk-on cats, and our dogs. Life and work have been a wonderful blessing here in Missoula. I am teaching autumn, 2010, on a post-retirement contract.


Northern Michigan University BA (English)

University of Michigan MA (Latin)

University of Washington PhD (Classics: Greek & Latin)

Summer work at U Minn, American Academy at Rome, U Cal Berkeley

Courses Taught


Survey of Classical Literature: 155L

Latin 201: Introduction to Latin Prose Writers

Online Latin 101

Teaching Experience

1. various high schools in western Montana and southern Michigan (1968-84): English and Latin

2. The University of Montana, Missoula (1984-2010): Classics

3. The University of Montana, Missoula (2010-present): Online Latin 101 & 102; online Survey of Classical Literature 155L

Field of Study

1. generally all areas of Classical Greek and Roman literature

2. particular interest in Medieval and Renaissance use of Vergil by Churchmen

3. translating and commenting on the Latin records of early Jesuit Indian missions

Selected Publications

A Pretty Village and Zealous in All Virtues: Documents of Worship and Culture Change, St. Ignatius Mission, Montana, 1880-1889 and 1890-1894, SKC Press/Nebraska (2007). I co-edited these two volumes with Robert Bigart and translated the Latin.

Life and Death at St. Mary's Mission, Montana: 1866-1891, SKC Press (2005). I co-edited this single volume with Robert Bigart and translated the Latin. 

"The Aeneid as a Philosophical Guide 'To Turn Arms against the Turks,'" Vergilius (2004), 63-95.


"Who Tried to Kill Nearly Everyone Else But Homer?" Classical World 97/4 (2004) 373-83.

"Jean Hardouin and the Benedictine Aeneid," Classical and Modern Literature 24/1 (2004) 67-94.

"The Lyrics of Horace: Augustan or Benedictine?" The Journal of Higher Criticism 10/1 (2003) 86-99.

"The Aeneid as the Inspired Revelation of the Roman Church," Prudentia 34/1 (2002) 33--57.

"Jacques Hugues and Christian Allegories of Homer," Cithara 41/2 (2002) 18-29.



Montana Association of Language Teachers

American Classical League

International Experience

I annually go to Rome. A colleague and I developed the University's Rome Program in 1995. I took students to Rome in 1995 and 1997. Now retired, I no longer participate in this program.


hobbies: Looking after our pet sheep; preparing 8 cords of wood for our winter heat; maintaining the 20 plus buildings on our little farm; finding, restoring, and using antique cast iron stoves; singing in a Gregorian chant group; and helping with the Latin in our church.

james flightner

James A. Flightner

Professor Emeritus, Spanish
Dean Emeritus