Captioned Media

Captioning media is making pre-recorded audio content into text displayed on a video to make the media accessible. The Office for Disability Equity (ODE) provides captioning services for students who require captioned media by working with their instructors.

How students request captioned media

Students who request for the first time

Students who previously requested services

What students can expect

At least one month before the semester begins, ODE emails instructors, notifying them that students with an approved captioned media accommodation are registered for their courses. Upon instructors' response to ODE, we add captions to media instructional materials and deliver them to instructors.   

To be proactive, ODE recommends the following to students:

  • Notify your accommodation requests to your instructors before the beginning of the class. Ask your instructors to ensure the media instructional materials are accurately captioned or subtitled.
  • Contact your consultant immediately if you have any concerns regarding captioned media accommodations.



Brandy Reinhardt
Assistant Director of Interpreting and Communication Accessibility
Phone: 406-243-5136