Updates Regarding COVID-19

ELCS Operations for Fall

We will offer both in-person and remote appointment options via Zoom, phone, or email. View our Career Coaching and Experiential Learning Advising services here.

While our office will be open, we will be implementing the following protocols in an effort to keep everyone safe and healthy:

  1. Masks will be required in the ELCS office. The Missoula City-County Health Department has recommended we ask all individuals on our campus -vaccinated or not - to wear masks indoors.
  2. We ask that the 6 foot physical distancing guidelines are followed. Floor decals have been installed to help with this effort.
  3. If you are feeling ill, exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19, or were exposed to someone who tested positive, please stay home. We welcome you to utilize all of our services remotely.

If you have an appointment with us:

  1. We encourage students to schedule remote appointments unless they are unable to utilize online services.
  2. If you have an in-person appointment, please arrive exactly at your appointment time to reduce time spent waiting in our lobby area.
  3. If you have materials for your Career Coach (resume, cover letter, job description, etc.) please email them to your Coach prior to your appointment to avoid bringing physical items into the office.