Starfish and Study Jam

How and Why

Students utilizing Study Jam check-in with their 790 UMID via the Starfish Kiosk for all sessions. Usage statistics allow us to monitor daily check-ins, higher additional tutors for the most attended sessions, run comprehensive end of semester reports, lobby for reallocation and increases of resources, and, most of all, keep Study Jam at no additional cost to students.

Advisor Reports

Advisors have access to Study Jam check-in data for students officially on their advising caseloads.

Advisors are autonomous in their checking and usage of this data. At this point in our implementation stage, Study Jam logs include the student's full name, dates of attendance, and the specific course they sought tutoring for as provided by the student. Using Starfish in this way has cleaned up much of our data, but some areas of inconsistency still exist and not every student checks-in. 

Advisors may only view records for their student advisees.

To View Study Jam Logs via Starfish:

  1. Log into Starfish with your NetID
  2. Open the “Students” Tab
  3. Verify appropriate designation in the "Connection" box in the middle of the top bar
  4. Open the blue “Add Filters” box on the top right
  5. Select “Meetings” on the left
  6. Check the following boxes:
    • Students
    • Who have had/scheduled meetings
  7. Select “Study Jam Tutoring” at the bottom of Appointment Type/Reason
  8. Enter date range if relevant
  9. Submit
  10. Next, advisors can look at individual usage or records by selecting the student’s name and selecting “Meetings.”

To View Individual Student Study Jam Logs via Starfish:

  1. Log into Starfish with your NetID
  2. In the "Search for Students" bar located at the top of the screen by the user photo, type the student's name or UMID.
  3. Select the student's name.
  4. Select “Meetings” on the left
  5. Next, advisors cancan view the student's meeting history which will include Study Jam check-ins.


Faculty Reports

Faculty and departments are autonomous in their checking and usage of this data. At this point in our implementation stage, Study Jam logs include the student's full name, dates of attendance, and the specific course they sought tutoring for as provided by the student.
Faculty may view only students they have a direct relationship with (i.e. enrolled in one of their classes or formally listed as one of their advisees). 

To View Study Jam Logs via Starfish:

  1. Log into Starfishh with your NetID
  2. Open the “Students” Tab
  3. Verify appropriate designation in the "Connection" box in the middle of the top bar
  4. Open the blue “Add Filters” box on the top right
  5. Select “Meetings” on the left
  6. Check the following boxes:
    • Students
    • Who have had/scheduled meetings
  7. Select “Study Jam Tutoring” at the bottom of Appointment Type/Reason
  8. Enter date range if relevant
  9. Submit
  10. Next, faculty can look at individual usage or records by selecting the student’s name and selecting “Meetings.”
To View Individual Student Study Jam Logs via Starfish:
  1. Log into Starfish with your NetID
  2. In the "Search for Students" bar located at the top of the screen by the user photo, type the student's name of UMID.
  3. Select the student's name.
  4. Select “Meetings” on the left
  5. Next, faculty can view the student's meeting history which will include Study Jam check-ins.

Course Specific Reports

Faculty and departments may request a specific tutoring report at any point in the semester by contacting the Associate Director for the Office for Student Success at These reports aggregate individual student check-in records into an Excel document.