Test Security in ODE Testing Center

The Office for Disability Equity (ODE) is committed to ensuring an accessible and secure testing environment for students with disabilities.

Academic Dishonesty

The ODE Testing Center will report to the instructor if we observed students using any unauthorized materials or resources during an exam. The ODE Testing Center has the right to stop an exam at any time if academic dishonesty is witnessed. Academic misconduct is subject to an academic penalty by the instructor and/or a disciplinary sanction by the University of Montana's Student Conduct Code.

Testing Staff

The Office for Disability Equity (ODE) regularly trains its staff and student employees and emphasizes the importance of test security to ensure academic integrity. Our test management staff consists of the testing coordinator and student employees. The functions are as follows: 

  • The testing coordinator  - oversees the management, scheduling, and administering of exams. Supervises student employees and monitors testing security. 

  • Student employees - serve as proctors, readers, and scribes and deliver exams.

Student proctors are briefed on how to handle exams securely and ethically, preserving academic integrity at all times. Under the supervision of the testing coordinator, the proctors monitor testing security and the amount of time students have for their exams. When readers and scribes are needed, we ensure confidentiality of the exam's content. Readers and scribes will not be currently enrolled in that class or are pursuing that course of study.

Handling Delivered Exams

When an exam is sent to the ODE Testing Center, whether by fax, e-mail, or delivery, the testing coordinator matches the exam with the name of the student taking that exam.

Monitoring in Testing Rooms

The ODE testing facilities are monitored by audio/video surveillance systems and proctors who are physically stationed in the rooms. 

Instructors may request a test to be recorded in order to review a student’s exam. Instructors must make a request to the ODE Testing Center within one week of the scheduled test date. For inquiries and requests, contact our testing coordinator, Dahn Ebert, at 406-243-4216 or ode.testing@mso.umt.edu