Managing Self-Disclosed COVID-19 Positive Cases and Supporting Students in Quarantine or Isolation

Dear colleagues,

Below you will find guidance for managing self-disclosed COVID-19 positive cases and recommendations for supporting students in quarantine and isolation.

If a student informs you that they have tested positive for COVID-19, you may, after reviewing the seating chart, discreetly inform those in the class who could potentially be determined to be a close contact. In order to maintain privacy, do not disclose the name/identity of the person who tested positive. This notification of students can be done via email with a message such as the following:

“Based on seating assignments in my [course name] class, I believe you have been within six feet of a person who has tested positive for COVID-19 for more than 15 minutes, therefore making you a close contact of that COVID-positive individual. The Missoula City-County Health Department (MCCHD) may contact you and provide instructions for quarantine and testing. Until you hear from them, please do what you can to minimize potential exposure to others. Wear your mask, wash your hands and watch your distance. Please do not come to class, lab, or participate in other group activities if you are not feeling well.

Please note only MCCHD officials can issue quarantine or isolation orders. No UM official can issue an order, nor can you deny a student access to the class even if you suspect they are a close contact. This is because you do not know their case, vaccine status, whether they’ve been tested, etc.

The COVID-19 Response Team (CRT) is working with MCCHD to support contact tracing for UM cases. If you have students who have been ordered by MCCHD to isolate (positive case) or quarantine (close contact), please consider the following guidance:

  1. Students are encouraged to return home if they can safely do so to complete quarantine or isolation, as long as they have access to technology to continue with coursework as they are able. UM will work with students on a case-by-case basis to respond to quarantine and isolation orders.
  2. Please help students obtain class materials and complete coursework; the goal is to be flexible while at the same time maintaining academic standards.
  3. The Office for Disability Equity (ODE) can provide additional services to students if their quarantine is extended.
  4. For mid-term exams or other planned in-class assessments, instructors should anticipate and make plans to provide for a remote option for students who are in quarantine or isolation. For exceptional cases, you can also contact ODE to determine whether other options may be available.
  5. Instructors should not ask students for documentation of their need to not come to class due to COVID-19. Similar to last year, instructors are encouraged to be as flexible as possible so that individuals who might be ill or otherwise contagious do not come to campus. Therefore, at this time, you should not ask for documentation.
  6. If possible, please check your UM email during the weekend in order to be aware of any COVID-19 related queries that arise from students or MCCHD.
  7. If you have questions about how to best respond to a situation in your class, please contact your chair/director and/or dean for support.
  8. Please encourage students to reach out to you and their advisors for resources or assistance while in quarantine or isolation. These can be stressful situations and staying connected with both instructors and advisors helps ensure students have the support they need.

Students received an email message with similar guidance for quarantine and isolation today.

Thank you for your commitment to supporting our students.

The COVID-19 Response Team (CRT) and the Office of the Provost


This message was sent by the Office of the Provost to all UM faculty, graduate students, staff, and administrators.